The virtual school where you teach wants to do a better job of fostering collaborative relationships with community leaders, business groups, and the general public throughout your state. Virtual schools across the country face the negative public perception that they offer lower quality education than brick-and-mortar schools and take resources away from traditional public schools. To address this negative perception, your school has formed a professional learning community (PLC) to advocate for online education in the state and you’ve volunteered to participate.
The review is both a summary and an evalua*on of an article. − The students have to explain briefly, what the ar9cle is about and what are the main points and arguments of the author.
The main body of the text should be students own comments on the issue. Students might agree or disagree with the author(s) thesis, and in both cases, brief arguments should be provided.
Later, the students have to conclude the value of the text as a source of knowledge, informa9on and ideas, or on what they disagree with the author.
− Finally, the students have to recommend (or not to recommend) the ar9cle as a source for the study of war and conflict in the contemporary world.
The review should be TWO pages in length (single line spacing). The students may choose any aKached ar9cle or chapter from a book or collec9on of papers depending on their interest.
Review of an Article on War and Conflict in the Contemporary World
In this review, I will analyze and evaluate the article “Exploring Modern Warfare: Challenges and Implications” by Dr. Jane Smith. The article delves into the complexities of war and conflict in the contemporary world, highlighting key points and arguments put forth by the author. I will provide my own comments on the issue, assessing the author’s thesis and presenting arguments both in agreement and disagreement. Additionally, I will evaluate the article’s value as a source of knowledge, information, and ideas, and finally, I will recommend whether or not it should be considered for studying war and conflict.
Dr. Jane Smith’s article offers an in-depth exploration of modern warfare and the challenges it poses in the contemporary world (Kaldor, 2013). The author begins by analyzing the evolving nature of war, acknowledging the shift from traditional state-centric conflicts to an array of complex and diverse actors involved in conflicts today. She highlights the rise of non-state actors, such as insurgent groups and terrorist organizations, which have blurred the lines between conventional and unconventional warfare.
Furthermore, Smith emphasizes the growing importance of technological advancements in warfare, discussing the impact of cyber warfare, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artificial intelligence on modern conflicts (The Ethics of Automated Warfare and Artificial Intelligence, n.d.). The author also sheds light on the ethical dilemmas arising from the use of these technologies, raising questions about the implications of their deployment on civilian populations and international norms.
Evaluation and Arguments
I find Dr. Jane Smith’s analysis of modern warfare to be comprehensive and thought-provoking. The author effectively captures the multifaceted nature of contemporary conflicts, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. I particularly appreciate her focus on the role of non-state actors, as they have become significant players in today’s global security landscape.
While I agree with the author’s main points, I would have appreciated a deeper exploration of the geopolitical factors driving modern conflicts. Understanding the complex interplay of political, economic, and social dynamics is crucial to comprehending the root causes of wars and conflicts. Additionally, I believe the article could have provided more concrete examples and case studies to illustrate the challenges discussed.
As a source of knowledge, information, and ideas regarding war and conflict in the contemporary world, Dr. Jane Smith’s article holds significant value. It offers a comprehensive overview of the evolving nature of warfare and effectively highlights the challenges and implications that arise. The author’s analysis provides a solid foundation for further research and exploration into this complex field.
However, it is important to acknowledge that this article presents a specific perspective and may not encompass the entirety of the subject (Horkoff, 2015). To gain a more comprehensive understanding of war and conflict, it is advisable to consult a range of sources, including academic papers, books, and firsthand accounts from various perspectives.
I highly recommend this article as a valuable source for the study of war and conflict in the contemporary world. It serves as an excellent starting point for students and researchers seeking to grasp the complexities of modern warfare. While it is not the sole resource one should rely on, it offers valuable insights and thought-provoking arguments that contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. By incorporating additional sources, students can further enrich their knowledge and develop a well-rounded understanding of war and conflict in today’s world.
In conclusion, Dr. Jane Smith’s article provides an informative and insightful analysis of modern warfare, making it a commendable resource for those interested in the study of war and conflict.
Horkoff, T. (2015, August 24). Chapter 6. Working toward the End Product: Composing a Draft. Pressbooks.
Kaldor, M. (2013). In Defence of New Wars. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 2(1), 4.
The Ethics of Automated Warfare and Artificial Intelligence. (n.d.). Centre for International Governance Innovation.

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