You have complete autonomy in deciding what you want to write for this paper. You can write about whatever topic you want in whatever genre you want. Remember that this paper takes the place of your Final Exam; we do not have a Final Exam in ENG 111. I am looking for two double-spaced pages of text.


You have complete autonomy in deciding what you want to write for this paper. You can write about whatever topic you want in whatever genre you want.

Remember that this paper takes the place of your Final Exam; we do not have a Final Exam in ENG 111.

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You have complete autonomy in deciding what you want to write for this paper. You can write about whatever topic you want in whatever genre you want. Remember that this paper takes the place of your Final Exam; we do not have a Final Exam in ENG 111. I am looking for two double-spaced pages of text.
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I am looking for two double-spaced pages of text. Here are some ideas:

* a short story

* 10 poems

* a reflection on the semester

* your personal feelings on a topic that you’ve wanted to write about all semester that I’ve been preventing you from doing

* your personal feelings on any topic

* an argument on any topic (no research required, but you can do some if you want)

* a letter to a legislator on the topic of your choice (I will not mail it)

* anything else you can thinking of: let your creativity go wild!


Length: two double-spaced pages, preferably in Times New Roman font (unless you do poetry, and then you should do 8 – 10 poems)


Exploring the Power of Imagination


Throughout the semester, I have been exposed to a plethora of topics and ideas. However, I have been longing to express my personal feelings on a topic that resonates deeply with me: the power of imagination. In this paper, I will delve into the significance of imagination, its impact on our lives, and how nurturing it can lead to personal growth and creativity.

The Power of Imagination

Imagination is the remarkable ability of the human mind to create, invent, and visualize things that do not yet exist. It serves as the wellspring of innovation, fueling progress in science, technology, arts, and literature (Cooperrider, 2017). Imagination enables us to envision alternate possibilities, explore uncharted territories, and transcend the confines of reality. It is through imagination that groundbreaking ideas are born, and seemingly insurmountable challenges are overcome.

Imagination and Personal Growth

Imagination plays a pivotal role in personal growth and development. When we engage our imaginations, we expand our perspectives and cultivate empathy. By imagining ourselves in the shoes of others, we develop a deeper understanding of diverse experiences and foster compassion (Von Wright, 2002). Imagination also fuels our dreams and aspirations, serving as a catalyst for setting ambitious goals and pursuing them with fervor. It instills a sense of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, propelling us to explore new realms and seek answers to complex questions.

Imagination and Creativity

Creativity, in all its forms, is an offspring of imagination. Imagination ignites the creative spark within us, enabling us to think outside the box and challenge established norms. Whether it is through art, writing, music, or scientific discovery, imagination empowers us to bring something new and unique into existence (Students’ Definitions of Creativity, n.d.). It encourages us to experiment, take risks, and embrace failure as a stepping stone towards innovation. The greatest works of human history bear the fingerprints of imaginative minds that dared to envision something extraordinary.

Nurturing the Imagination

In a world that often emphasizes practicality and conformity, it is crucial to nurture and foster our imaginations. We must create spaces where imagination can thrive, whether in our education systems, workplaces, or personal lives. Encouraging open-ended thinking, embracing diverse perspectives, and providing opportunities for imaginative exploration can unlock the full potential of human creativity. Furthermore, engaging in activities that stimulate the imagination, such as reading, daydreaming, and pursuing hobbies, can help us tap into our innate imaginative abilities.


Imagination is an extraordinary gift bestowed upon humanity. It is a wellspring of innovation, personal growth, and creativity. By embracing our imaginative potential, we can unlock new realms of possibility, push the boundaries of human knowledge, and create a future that surpasses our wildest dreams. Let us celebrate and nurture the power of imagination, for it is through imagination that we can shape a brighter tomorrow.


Cooperrider, D. L. (2017). The Gift of New Eyes: Personal Reflections after 30 Years of Appreciative Inquiry in Organizational Life. In Research in Organizational Change and Development (pp. 81–142). 

Students’ Definitions of Creativity. (n.d.). 

Von Wright, M. (2002). Studies in Philosophy and Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 21(4/5), 407–416. 


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