Restate the needed change within the organization. Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Week 3 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change. Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change. Discuss how this style will support sustainable organizational success.


Analyze the organization you assessed in Week 2. Apply leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organization’s mission and values. You will be measured on how you justify your assessment of the leadership approach.

Write a 700- to 1050-word paper for your Leadership Styles Rationale . In your paper , complete the following:

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Restate the needed change within the organization. Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Week 3 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change. Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change. Discuss how this style will support sustainable organizational success.
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Restate the needed change within the organization.
Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Week 3 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change.
Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change.
Discuss how this style will support sustainable organizational success.
Discuss how this style integrates the organization’s mission and vision.
Discuss how this style will increase value for stakeholders.


 Leadership Styles Rationale for Organizational Change: Case Analysis

This paper aims to analyze the leadership styles and approaches that would best support an organizational change aligned with the mission and values of a specific organization. The organization in focus is XYZ Corporation, which is undergoing a change initiative to enhance its sustainability practices. By applying leadership theories and approaches, this paper will justify the selection of an appropriate leadership style to facilitate the proposed change, discuss its potential for sustainable organizational success, integration with the mission and vision, and increased value for stakeholders.

Restating the Needed Change

The needed change within XYZ Corporation revolves around enhancing its sustainability practices. The organization recognizes the importance of becoming more environmentally responsible, reducing its carbon footprint, and promoting sustainable development. This change aligns with the organization’s mission and values, emphasizing social responsibility and long-term sustainability.

Analysis of Leadership Styles

Several leadership styles were explored in Week 3, each with its unique characteristics and suitability for different organizational contexts (Chapter 13. Orienting Ideas in Leadership | Section 3. Styles of Leadership | Main Section | Community Tool Box, n.d.). In the context of XYZ Corporation’s culture and the proposed change, three leadership styles stand out: transformational leadership, servant leadership, and authentic leadership.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership emphasizes inspiring and motivating followers to achieve exceptional performance by articulating a compelling vision and fostering a supportive organizational culture. This style aligns well with the organizational change at XYZ Corporation as it encourages employees to embrace sustainability practices and contribute their innovative ideas to achieve the desired outcomes.

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership emphasizes the leader’s focus on the needs of their followers and empowering them to reach their full potential. This style resonates with the proposed change at XYZ Corporation as it encourages leaders to actively involve employees in decision-making processes, solicit their input, and provide necessary resources and support to implement sustainable practices effectively.

Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership centers on self-awareness, transparency, and ethical decision-making. This style aligns with the organizational change at XYZ Corporation by promoting open communication, trust, and integrity. Authentic leaders serve as role models, inspiring employees to adopt sustainable practices through their own actions and values.

Justification of the Selected Leadership Style

Among the three leadership styles analyzed, transformational leadership emerges as the most suitable approach to support the organizational change at XYZ Corporation. This style emphasizes creating a compelling vision for sustainability, fostering a culture of innovation and engagement, and motivating employees to actively contribute to achieving the organization’s goals (White, 2023). By inspiring employees through a shared vision and providing them with the necessary resources and support, transformational leadership will facilitate the successful implementation of sustainable practices within the organization.

Supporting Sustainable Organizational Success

Transformational leadership supports sustainable organizational success by promoting employee engagement, innovation, and a culture of continuous improvement. Through effective communication, leaders can inspire employees to embrace sustainable practices, contributing to the organization’s environmental objectives. Furthermore, by fostering a learning environment, transformational leaders encourage experimentation and the adoption of new technologies and processes, leading to long-term sustainability and competitive advantage.

Integration with the Organization’s Mission and Vision

The selected transformational leadership style aligns seamlessly with XYZ Corporation’s mission and vision. The organization’s mission emphasizes social responsibility and sustainability, which are at the core of transformational leadership principles. By articulating a clear vision for sustainability and fostering a culture of innovation, leaders ensure that the organizational change supports and advances the mission and vision of XYZ Corporation.

Increased Value for Stakeholders

Adopting a transformational leadership style will increase value for stakeholders of XYZ Corporation. Employees will experience increased job satisfaction and motivation, leading to higher productivity and innovation in sustainable practices (Khan et al., 2020). Customers will perceive the organization as socially responsible and environmentally conscious, enhancing their trust and loyalty. Additionally, shareholders and investors will recognize the long-term viability and profitability of the organization, attracting further investments and partnerships.


In conclusion, for XYZ Corporation’s organizational change towards enhancing sustainability practices, transformational leadership is the most suitable approach. This leadership style promotes a compelling vision, employee engagement, innovation, and a culture of continuous improvement, supporting sustainable organizational success. By aligning with the organization’s mission and vision and increasing value for stakeholders, transformational leadership will facilitate the successful implementation of sustainable practices and contribute to XYZ Corporation’s long-term growth and competitiveness.


Chapter 13. Orienting Ideas in Leadership | Section 3. Styles of Leadership | Main Section | Community Tool Box. (n.d.). 

Khan, H. S. U. D., Rehmat, M., Butt, T. H., Farooqi, S., & Asim, J. (2020). Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loafing: a mediation model. Future Business Journal, 6(1). 

White, S. K. (2023). What is transformational leadership? A model for motivating innovation. CIO. 


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