A. Write an abstract (suggested length of 200–250 words) of the project you have selected. Include each of the following: • an IT business problem under investigation • a proposed solution • the project management concerns of concurrently managing multiple projects and how you plan to allocate resources • the project stakeholders and an explanation of the needs of each stakeholder group • the key points of your implementation proposal • the metrics you will use to measure the proposed and actual outcomes of this project
A. Write an abstract (suggested length of 200–250 words) of the project you have selected. Include each of the following:
• an IT business problem under investigation
• a proposed solution
• the project management concerns of concurrently managing multiple projects and how you plan to allocate resources
• the project stakeholders and an explanation of the needs of each stakeholder group
• the key points of your implementation proposal
• the metrics you will use to measure the proposed and actual outcomes of this project
B. Write a needs analysis for the project design and development phase. Include each of the following:
• the problem and its causes
• the impact of the problem on each identified stakeholder group
• how the solution aligns with industry standards, laws, and regulations
C. Write a cost analysis for project design and development. Include each of the following:
• the itemized costs for hardware, software, licensing, time, labor, and total costs
• a justification of these costs using research to support your claims
D. Perform a risk assessment to include each of the following:
• the quantitative and qualitative risks associated with your solution
• a cost/benefit analysis for each risk
• a completed “MSITM Capstone Risk Register” template attachment
• an explanation how you would mitigate each of these risks
E. Justify your approach to the problem you are solving.
F. Write a project management plan to manage multiple projects concurrently. Include each of the following:
• the resources needed to design and execute the project
• a justification of each resource used in the project
• your plans for allocating resources
• the existing gaps that a successful project plans to fill and how this will impact other active projects
G. Write a project plan to design, develop, test, and implement the solution that you chose. Include each of the following:
• scope
• assumptions
• project phases
• timelines
• dependencies
• risk factors
• important milestones
• details of the project launch
• an explanation of your strategy for implementation
• documentation deliverables
• hardware and software deliverables
• how the final output will be assessed within an evaluation framework of industry standards, regulations, or other accepted criteria
H. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
I. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
A. Write a summary of the problem and the solution you proposed in Task 2.
B. Write an evaluation of (i.e., perform quality assurance for) your project. Include each of the following:
• how you approached formative evaluation (quality assurance), including quality assurance criteria (the metrics that will measure the project’s success and actual results)
• how you tested your solution
• test cases and scenarios you used
• the acceptance criteria and the evaluation framework (based on industry standards, regulations, or other acceptable criteria) that you used
C. Write a review of your completed project. Include each of the following:
• whether all of your assumptions were resolved as expected
• all of the phases of the project
• any deviations in project timeframe
• project dependencies
• resource requirements
• important project milestones reached based on the implementation strategy
• what is being delivered to the company, such as hardware and software
• which deliverables you plan to submit to document and explain your implementation plan
D. Write an explanation of any revisions you made based on the formative evaluation results.
E. Write an explanation of your plan for summative evaluation.
F. Write an explanation of which groups should receive specific reports and evaluation results (e.g., general information for stakeholders, high-level report for project sponsor), including how those reports and results will be disseminated.
G. Write a postimplementation description of future support for the solution, including planned further upgrades. Include each for the following:
• the resources needed for postimplementation support and how those resources will be obtained
• a detailed plan for short- and long-term maintenance
H. Write a postimplementation project summary. Include each of the following:
• the deliverables included to document the plan and process (e.g., samples or artifacts that provide evidence of the implementation)
• the criteria and evaluation framework that your project successfully addressed for how you evaluated each outcome
• a justification of differences between proposed and actual outcomes
• what you learned from the process of completing this project
I. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Optimizing Project Management: Addressing Concurrent Project Challenges
In today’s dynamic business environment, organizations often face the challenge of managing multiple projects concurrently. This can lead to inefficiencies, delays, and resource constraints, posing a significant IT business problem. To tackle this issue, an effective project management solution is proposed, which aims to streamline processes, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure successful project delivery.
Concurrently managing multiple projects requires careful planning and resource allocation. Project management concerns encompass resource availability, task prioritization, and coordination among project teams (Watt, 2014). To address these challenges, a comprehensive project management framework will be implemented. This framework will leverage advanced project management tools and techniques to optimize resource allocation, prioritize tasks, and foster seamless collaboration among project teams.
Key stakeholders involved in this project include project managers, team members, executives, and clients. Each stakeholder group has distinct needs and expectations. Project managers require clear project objectives, well-defined timelines, and effective communication channels (Brown, 2023). Executives seek regular progress updates and visibility into project status. Clients expect timely delivery, high-quality outcomes, and proactive communication. By understanding and addressing these stakeholder needs, the project aims to enhance collaboration, transparency, and stakeholder satisfaction.
The implementation proposal entails establishing standardized project management processes, enhancing communication and collaboration platforms, and utilizing project management software to streamline workflows. Through these measures, the project aims to improve productivity, minimize project delays, and optimize resource allocation.
Metrics will be employed to measure the success of the proposed solution. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as project completion rate, adherence to schedules, resource utilization, and customer satisfaction will be tracked. Additionally, the project’s adherence to industry standards, laws, and regulations will be evaluated to ensure compliance.
By adopting an efficient project management framework, organizations can optimize their project execution, achieve better outcomes, and mitigate the challenges associated with managing multiple projects concurrently (Ray, 2023). This solution aligns with industry best practices, recognized project management methodologies, and regulatory requirements, providing a solid foundation for success.
Brown, L. (2023). Who Are Project Stakeholders and Why Are They Important For a Project? Invensis Learning Blog. https://www.invensislearning.com/blog/who-are-project-stakeholders/
Ray, S. (2023, March 3). The Risk Management Process in Project Management. ProjectManager. https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/risk-management-process-steps
Watt, A. (2014, August 14). 11. Resource Planning. Pressbooks. https://opentextbc.ca/projectmanagement/chapter/chapter-11-resource-planning-project-management/

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