What “fiscal mismatch” exists in modern federalism? Why does it exist? What solution(s) is(are) currently implemented? Does the “mismatch” need to be “solved”? Are there better solutions? If so, suggest what one or more might be. Format: Use 12-point font, either Ariel, or Times New Roman. The essay may (not must) be double spaced, one and a half to two pages in length, not including references. Cite sources and list references in accordance with APA professional style guidelines. Uses of visual examples and demonstration web links are encouraged, if it enhances your point.


What “fiscal mismatch” exists in modern federalism?

Why does it exist?

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What “fiscal mismatch” exists in modern federalism? Why does it exist? What solution(s) is(are) currently implemented? Does the “mismatch” need to be “solved”? Are there better solutions? If so, suggest what one or more might be. Format: Use 12-point font, either Ariel, or Times New Roman. The essay may (not must) be double spaced, one and a half to two pages in length, not including references. Cite sources and list references in accordance with APA professional style guidelines. Uses of visual examples and demonstration web links are encouraged, if it enhances your point.
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What solution(s) is(are) currently implemented?

Does the “mismatch” need to be “solved”?

Are there better solutions? If so, suggest what one or more might be.

Format: Use 12-point font, either Ariel, or Times New Roman.

The essay may (not must) be double spaced, one and a half to two pages in length, not including references.

Cite sources and list references in accordance with APA professional style guidelines.

Uses of visual examples and demonstration web links are encouraged, if it enhances your point.


The Fiscal Mismatch in Modern Federalism: Causes, Current Solutions, and Potential Alternatives

Modern federalism is characterized by the division of power and responsibilities between a central government and regional or local governments within a country. One significant challenge faced in this system is the fiscal mismatch, where the revenue-raising capacity of subnational governments does not align with their expenditure responsibilities. This essay aims to explore the causes of this fiscal mismatch, examine current solutions, and propose potential alternatives to address this issue.

Causes of the Fiscal Mismatch

Insufficient Revenue Sources: Subnational governments often lack diverse and robust revenue sources, leading to a heavy reliance on transfers from the central government. This dependency restricts their fiscal autonomy and limits their ability to fund essential services adequately.

Asymmetric Economic Development: Disparities in economic growth and development across regions can contribute to the fiscal mismatch (Widening Gaps: Regional Inequality Within Advanced Economies, 2019). Regions with slower growth may struggle to generate sufficient tax revenue, exacerbating the gap between their expenditure needs and available funds.

Expenditure Responsibilities: In some federal systems, subnational governments bear significant expenditure responsibilities without corresponding revenue-raising powers. This imbalance can result in fiscal strain, as they struggle to meet the demands of service provision without adequate funds.

Current Solutions

Intergovernmental Transfers: Governments address the fiscal mismatch by providing intergovernmental transfers, where the central government allocates funds to subnational governments (Ahmad, n.d.). These transfers can be either conditional or unconditional, aiming to equalize fiscal capacities across regions.

Borrowing Mechanisms: Subnational governments may have access to borrowing mechanisms, such as issuing bonds, to supplement their revenue. However, borrowing can exacerbate the fiscal mismatch if subnational governments lack the capacity to service their debts effectively.

Fiscal Equalization Programs: Some federal systems implement fiscal equalization programs, redistributing funds from economically stronger regions to economically weaker ones. These programs aim to mitigate regional disparities and reduce the fiscal mismatch.

The Need for Solutions

Addressing the fiscal mismatch is crucial for maintaining a functional federal system. Failure to bridge this gap can lead to inadequate service provision, regional disparities, and political tensions. It is essential to ensure that subnational governments have sufficient resources to meet their expenditure responsibilities effectively.

Potential Alternatives

Enhanced Revenue-Raising Powers: Granting subnational governments additional revenue-raising powers, such as broader tax bases or the ability to introduce new taxes, could help reduce the fiscal mismatch. This would increase their fiscal autonomy and enable them to align revenue generation with expenditure requirements.

Fiscal Decentralization: Further decentralization of fiscal powers to subnational governments can help address the fiscal mismatch. This could involve delegating more tax authority and expenditure responsibilities to regions, allowing them to align their revenue-raising capacities with expenditure needs.

Capacity Building: Investing in capacity building at the subnational level is crucial for enhancing fiscal management and administration (Capacity Development, 2023). Providing technical assistance, training programs, and financial expertise to subnational governments can improve their revenue generation and expenditure efficiency.


The fiscal mismatch in modern federalism arises from various factors, including limited revenue sources, asymmetric economic development, and imbalanced expenditure responsibilities. While current solutions like intergovernmental transfers and fiscal equalization programs help mitigate the mismatch, there is a need for further action. Implementing alternative approaches such as enhanced revenue-raising powers, fiscal decentralization, and capacity building can contribute to a more equitable and efficient fiscal system within federal countries. Addressing the fiscal mismatch is vital to ensure effective service provision, reduce regional disparities, and promote a stable and sustainable federal framework.


Ahmad, E. (n.d.). 4 Intergovernmental Transfers. Imfsg. https://doi.org/10.5089/9781557756633.071.ch004 

Capacity Development. (2023, July 6). IMF. https://www.imf.org/en/Capacity-Development 

Widening Gaps: Regional Inequality within Advanced Economies. (2019, October 9). IMF. https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2019/10/09/widening-gaps-regional-inequality-within-advanced-economies 


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