Write a critical analysis of a specific argument discussed in Parts IV or V of the course. Your paper may either: (a) criticize the argument by raising a specific objection (or objections) to it; or (b) defend the argument by refuting the strongest possible objection that could be raised against it. Choose (a) if you disagree with the article; choose (b) if you agree with it. In either case, be sure to develop and defend your views about the relevant ideas; it is not enough merely to summarize the author’s arguments.

Write a critical analysis of a specific argument discussed in Parts IV or V of the course.
Your paper may either: (a) criticize the argument by raising a specific objection (or objections) to it; or
(b) defend the argument by refuting the strongest possible objection that could be raised against it.
Choose (a) if you disagree with the article; choose (b) if you agree with it. In either case, be sure to
develop and defend your views about the relevant ideas; it is not enough merely to summarize the
author’s arguments.

I will attach a reading that talks about this very topic. You can choose whether to agree or disagree to the topic. I will also attach more instructions on the paper.

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Write a critical analysis of a specific argument discussed in Parts IV or V of the course. Your paper may either: (a) criticize the argument by raising a specific objection (or objections) to it; or (b) defend the argument by refuting the strongest possible objection that could be raised against it. Choose (a) if you disagree with the article; choose (b) if you agree with it. In either case, be sure to develop and defend your views about the relevant ideas; it is not enough merely to summarize the author’s arguments.
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