Using the information below as a guide, your second step in producing your final project will be to construct an outline that you will submit to your mentor for feedback. Your outline will serve as a statement of what industry and profession you intend to research and what sources you propose to use.


As part of the final project, you are required to first submit an outline of what you intend to do. Feedback from your mentor will be essential to ensure that you are on the right track before completing your research paper.

Your paper will be divided into five separate parts:

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Using the information below as a guide, your second step in producing your final project will be to construct an outline that you will submit to your mentor for feedback. Your outline will serve as a statement of what industry and profession you intend to research and what sources you propose to use.
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The Industry
The Profession

Each part is described in detail below. In total your paper should be approximately 8–9 pages in length. Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling are expected and source citations are required.

Steps in Producing Final Project
Your first step will be to choose one of the specific industries associated with mass media covered in your course materials (for example, broadcast television, public relations, advertising, etc.), then choose a particular profession within that industry to investigate.

Using the information below as a guide, your second step in producing your final project will be to construct an outline that you will submit to your mentor for feedback. Your outline will serve as a statement of what industry and profession you intend to research and what sources you propose to use.

Once you have received feedback from your mentor regarding your outline, your third step will be to complete your paper and submit it for grading.

Guidelines and Requirements for Your Outline
Your outline should be organized along the lines of the template given below for your final paper, except that at this stage you should not have formed any conclusions and will need only a very brief introduction. Also disregard the references to the number of pages required; your outline only needs to be 2–3 pages in length.

Guidelines and Requirements for Final Paper
Your final paper should be organized according to the template listed here.

Introduction (1 page)
The introduction should introduce your topic and outline briefly what will be presented in your paper. This is generally written last.

The Industry (3 pages)
Choose an industry that you have studied as part of this course. Research the history of that industry, identifying major changes pertaining to:

international community

These will be your subheadings. For example, in the television industry, what regulations have been made by the government over the years? What changes have been made to the Internet? How has the industry you’ve chosen influenced or been influenced by the international community (Europe, South America, Asia, or other countries)?

The Profession (3 pages)
Whatever industry you choose, you will find that there are a diverse range of jobs associated with it. For example, in the public relations or advertising industries, there are reporters, editors, program directors, etc.

Choose one profession within your chosen industry and research that particular job. Your research may include the following questions:

What education is needed for the job? Is experience in that particular field required?
What are the duties and activities of the person who performs that job?
What is the average salary for that job?
What are some of the benefits of the job? (For example: working conditions and perks of the job, etc.)
What Web sites or trade publications are connected to the job. For example, if you are researching the health communication field, you might find some publications about that particular topic. What are they?
Are there internships available for that particular job?

Conclusion (1–2 pages)
Summarize your paper and make some predictions for the future.

References (1–2 pages)
Use online or library sources. Primary sources are best. Interviews of a person within the industry may also be included. Be sure to cite your source in your paper when you use someone else’s material.

Use APA for this section.

Other Considerations
Your outline and final paper should be typed, double-spaced and have one-inch margins. You must use Times New Roman or Arial font, 12 point. Be sure to include page numbers and a title (title page is not necessary).

Make sure you include all parts (Introduction, The Industry, The Profession, Conclusion, and References). Identify each part with a subheading (title).


Outline for Final Project: The Impact of Digital Technology on the Advertising Industry


– Briefly introduce the topic of the impact of digital technology on the advertising industry.

– Provide an overview of what will be presented in the paper.

The Industry (3 pages)

– Choose the advertising industry as the focus of the research.

– Research the history of the advertising industry, highlighting major changes pertaining to government regulations, the Internet, and the international community.

   – Government: Explore the regulatory framework established by government agencies to oversee advertising practices and protect consumers. Discuss significant changes in advertising regulations over the years.

   – Internet: Examine the evolution of digital technology and its impact on advertising. Discuss the rise of online advertising, social media advertising, and the shift towards personalized and targeted ads.

   – International community: Analyze how globalization and advancements in technology have facilitated advertising campaigns on a global scale. Discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise from advertising across different countries and cultures.

The Profession (3 pages)

– Select the profession of “digital marketer” within the advertising industry to research.

– Explore the educational requirements and experience needed for a career in digital marketing.

– Outline the duties and activities performed by digital marketers, including the creation and implementation of digital advertising campaigns, data analysis, and optimization strategies.

– Provide information on the average salary range for digital marketers and any additional benefits associated with the profession.

– Identify relevant websites, trade publications, or industry-specific resources that digital marketers can utilize for professional development and staying updated with industry trends.

– Discuss the availability of internships in the field of digital marketing and their significance for gaining practical experience.

Conclusion (1-2 pages)

– Summarize the main points discussed in the paper, emphasizing the impact of digital technology on the advertising industry and the role of digital marketers.

– Reflect on the current state of the industry and make predictions for the future, considering emerging technologies and trends.

– Highlight the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in the advertising profession.



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