The East/West Conflict in The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Season of Migration to the North How is the cultural identity conflict represented in different ways? What form does the cultural identity conflict take in each novel? Can the rift in the immigrant’s identity be healed?

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Comparative analysis

You need a tripartite argument statement that addresses the grounds for comparison (why you are comparing these novels; what they have in common), the contrast between the novels (your thesis) and why it is important (the significance of your argument)- how it changes our understanding of the topic.

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The East/West Conflict in The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Season of Migration to the North How is the cultural identity conflict represented in different ways? What form does the cultural identity conflict take in each novel? Can the rift in the immigrant’s identity be healed?
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The East/West Conflict in The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Season of Migration to the North
How is the cultural identity conflict represented in different ways? What form does the cultural identity conflict take in each novel? Can the rift in the immigrant’s identity be healed?
To give your argument significance, draw conclusions from your answer to the above question by addressing the following: What do we learn from comparing the two novels about the different effects of U.S. imperialism and British colonialism on native Eastern identities?
*Use Said’s “Reflections on Exile” or his introduction to Orientalism as a


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