1. At the end of the Civil War, it remained to be seen exactly how emancipation would transform the South. How did emancipation change political and labor organization in the region? In your answer, discuss how ex-slaves exercised their new freedoms and how white southerners attempted to limit them.

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Section One: Choose ONE of the following questions and respond with a multi-paragraph essay:

1. At the end of the Civil War, it remained to be seen exactly how emancipation would transform the South. How did emancipation change political and labor organization in the region? In your answer, discuss how ex-slaves exercised their new freedoms and how white southerners attempted to limit them.

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1. At the end of the Civil War, it remained to be seen exactly how emancipation would transform the South. How did emancipation change political and labor organization in the region? In your answer, discuss how ex-slaves exercised their new freedoms and how white southerners attempted to limit them.
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2. Reconstruction succeeded in advancing black civil rights but failed to secure them over the long term. Why and how did the federal government retreat from defending African Americans’ civil rights in the 1870s? In your answer, cite specific actions by Congress and the Supreme Court.

3. The Emancipation Proclamation did not accomplish the destruction of slavery on its own. How did a war over union bring about the end of slavery? In your answer, consider the direct actions of slaves and Union policy makers, as well as indirect factors within the Confederacy.

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Use the textbook for in text citations: The American Promise: A Concise History, Volume 1: To 1877, Sixth Edition by James L. Roark. I have emailed a file of this textbook to the support email.


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