Bethany, A 45-year-old female. She has a master’s degree and is employed as an executive with a very good income. She enjoys a supportive and loving marriage with a husband who is an attorney. They have two children ages 4 and 7. 

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Bethany, A 45-year-old female. She has a master’s degree and is employed as an executive with a very good income. She enjoys a supportive and loving marriage with a husband who is an attorney. They have two children ages 4 and 7. 
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The client:

Bethany, A 45-year-old female. She has a master’s degree and is employed as an executive with a very good income. She enjoys a supportive and loving marriage with a husband who is an attorney. They have two children ages 4 and 7. 


Weight: 200 pounds.


Type 2 diabetic. 


Bethany smokes.


Bethany’s levels of stress are off the charts.


Bethany has a great deal of anxiety and suffers from poor sleep.


Bethany’s blood pressure is borderline hypertensive, and her family history has a great deal of cardiovascular disease (CVD).


Bethany’s whole family is overweight they adhered to a regiment of horrible eating and little structured exercise. 


Bethany is scared about her health, her children, her career, and beginning to feel overwhelmed and depressed. 

 As Bethany’s life coach tell me the following:

  1. What are your concerns and considerations regarding not only her fitness but the lifestyle changes necessary to affect a change?


2 what would be your SPECIFIC goals, objectives and concerns for Bethany?


Three period exactly what information would you begin to compile before you prescribed a program.


  1. What would be your goals, objectives and concerns for Bethany.


  1. Write a beginner program for Bethany’s first 2 weeks in Grid format


  1. Write a program upgrade for the next 2 weeks in grid format (Assuming she adhered to the first 2 weeks of programming). Follow exercise progressing guidelines. Not too fast. Not too much change.


Be specific and detailed. Example: “do cardio “is not acceptable. Alternately say “20 minutes plus 3X or more per week in her THZ (which two showed).


How do you monitor Bethany? Example. Fitbit. How do you motivate her, reward her and assure her future adherence and compliance?


Bethany’s life is LITERALLY in your hands. This is sadly a common client. Picture this person, her concerns, her fears, her motivation to change.


Be creative. How do you make it happen?


Whatever assumptions you wish to make or fine, only please list them. This is a major assignment where 20% of your grade. It will take time and focus. It is only embellished by outside references and appeals to authority. I hope you can find enjoyment in the writing of this assignment. I always enjoy program writing. You can, in fact, change a life and in doing so find personal and professional gratification beyond your knowing.


As Bethany’s life coach, my primary concerns revolve around her overall well-being, including her fitness levels and the necessary lifestyle changes required to bring about a positive transformation. Given her current situation, there are several specific goals, objectives, and considerations that need to be addressed.

First and foremost, it is essential to tackle Bethany’s weight as she is currently at 200 pounds, which can contribute to various health issues. With her being a type 2 diabetic, overweight, and having a family history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), weight loss becomes crucial to reducing the risk of further complications. However, it’s important to approach this topic with sensitivity and empathy, considering Bethany’s stress, anxiety, and potential feelings of overwhelm and depression.

Another significant concern is Bethany’s smoking habit. Smoking not only increases the risk of cardiovascular problems but also exacerbates the symptoms of diabetes. Addressing this addiction will be vital for her overall health and well-being.

Additionally, it is crucial to address Bethany’s stress levels and poor sleep quality. Chronic stress and lack of adequate sleep can negatively impact her physical and mental health. Implementing strategies to manage stress, improve sleep patterns, and promote relaxation will be an essential part of her journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

Now, before prescribing a program, I would gather relevant information to gain a comprehensive understanding of Bethany’s current health status, limitations, and preferences. This information would include:

Medical history: Detailed information about her diabetes, any complications, and her family history of CVD.
Physical fitness assessment: Assessing her current fitness levels, including cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
Lifestyle assessment: Understanding her daily routine, work-life balance, dietary habits, and stressors.
Psychological assessment: Evaluating her anxiety levels, stress triggers, and any underlying mental health concerns.
Support system: Identifying her sources of support, such as her spouse, and involving them in the process to create a conducive environment for change.

Based on the information gathered, the following goals, objectives, and concerns would be tailored specifically for Bethany:

Weight loss: Aim for gradual and sustainable weight loss, targeting 1-2 pounds per week through a combination of dietary modifications and physical activity.
Smoking cessation: Support Bethany in quitting smoking by providing resources, counseling, and encouragement.
Stress management: Implement stress reduction techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and finding outlets for relaxation.
Sleep improvement: Develop a bedtime routine, establish a conducive sleep environment, and provide guidance on sleep hygiene practices.
Physical activity: Gradually introduce structured exercise routines, including cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises, tailored to her fitness level and preferences.
Nutrition: Educate Bethany and her family about healthy eating habits, portion control, and the importance of a balanced diet in managing diabetes and promoting overall health.
Emotional support: Address Bethany’s fears, concerns, and feelings of overwhelm, providing empathy and motivation throughout her journey.

Now, let’s create a beginner program for Bethany’s first two weeks in a grid format:

**Week 1:**

| Day | Activity |
| Monday | 20 minutes of brisk walking + basic strength exercises |
| Tuesday | Yoga or stretching routine |
| Wednesday| 30 minutes of low-impact aerobic exercise |
| Thursday | Rest day |
| Friday | 20 minutes of swimming or cycling |
| Saturday | 15 minutes of bodyweight exercises |
| Sunday | Rest day |

**Week 2:**

| Day | Activity |
| Monday | 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (e.g., jogging) |
| Tuesday | Strength training exercises (using resistance bands) |
| Wednesday| 20 minutes of yoga or Pilates |
| Thursday | Rest day |
| Friday | 30 minutes of swimming or cycling |
| Saturday | 15 minutes of bodyweight exercises |
| Sunday | Rest day |

Assuming Bethany adhered to the first two weeks of programming, the following program upgrade for the next two weeks can be implemented:

**Week 3:**

| Day | Activity |
| Monday | 30 minutes of interval training (alternating between high and low intensity) |
| Tuesday | Strength training with dumbbells or weight machines |
| Wednesday| 30 minutes of yoga or Pilates |
| Thursday | Rest day |
| Friday | 40 minutes of swimming or cycling |
| Saturday | 20 minutes of bodyweight exercises |
| Sunday | Rest day |

**Week 4:**

| Day | Activity |
| Monday | 30 minutes of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) |
| Tuesday | Strength training focusing on different muscle groups |
| Wednesday| 30 minutes of yoga or Pilates |
| Thursday | Rest day |
| Friday | 40 minutes of swimming or cycling |
| Saturday | 20 minutes of bodyweight exercises |
| Sunday | Rest day |

To monitor Bethany’s progress, a fitness tracker such as a Fitbit can be used to track her daily steps, heart rate, and sleep patterns. This data can provide insights into her activity levels, stress levels, and sleep quality, allowing for personalized feedback and adjustments to the program. Additionally, regular check-ins and progress assessments can be conducted to evaluate her physical and mental well-being.

Motivating Bethany is crucial to ensure her adherence and compliance. Some strategies include setting realistic short-term goals, celebrating milestones, and providing positive reinforcement. Encouraging her to keep a journal to track her progress, feelings, and achievements can also serve as a powerful self-reflection tool. Recognizing her efforts, providing words of affirmation, and reminding her of the positive impact these lifestyle changes can have on her health and her family’s well-being will help maintain her motivation.

– Bethany is open to making necessary changes in her lifestyle.
– Bethany has access to the required resources, such as fitness equipment or a gym membership.
– Bethany’s healthcare provider is involved and supportive of her journey.
– Bethany’s family is willing to support her in adopting healthier habits.

By taking a comprehensive and empathetic approach, providing tailored guidance, and addressing Bethany’s concerns and fears, we can empower her to take control of her health and create lasting positive change. With proper support, motivation, and guidance, Bethany can improve her overall well-being, manage her diabetes effectively, and set an example for her children and her family, ultimately leading to a happier and healthier life.





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