The purpose of this article was to explain the importance of strength in American football players.  This article was a review article, not an individual study.  Thus, many different aspects of strength training for football were reviewed. This study showed the force-velocity and power relationship.  The diagram below shows that if force production at various velocities can be increased, power can be increased.  Therefore, if I want to increase explosive power, strength (ability to produce force) lays the foundation for increasing power.


Haff, G. G., & Stone, M. H. (2015). Methods of Developing Power With Special Reference to Football Players. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 37(6), 2-16.

The purpose of this article was to explain the importance of strength in American football players.  This article was a review article, not an individual study.  Thus, many different aspects of strength training for football were reviewed.

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The purpose of this article was to explain the importance of strength in American football players.  This article was a review article, not an individual study.  Thus, many different aspects of strength training for football were reviewed. This study showed the force-velocity and power relationship.  The diagram below shows that if force production at various velocities can be increased, power can be increased.  Therefore, if I want to increase explosive power, strength (ability to produce force) lays the foundation for increasing power.
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This study showed the force-velocity and power relationship.  The diagram below shows that if force production at various velocities can be increased, power can be increased.  Therefore, if I want to increase explosive power, strength (ability to produce force) lays the foundation for increasing power.

Figure 1. Force-velocity, force-power, and velocity-power relationship.


Potentiation complexes are when a heavy lift is paired with a unloaded or light lift.  This helps enhance the force output during the lighter lift.  This is because the nervous system is primed and ready to conduct action potentials.  In addition, the muscle is warm, and ready to produce force.  Many of the physiological mechanisms, like calcium kinetics, ATPase phosphorylation may account for this increase in ability to produce power.

Weaker athletes tend to benefit from strength training.  Stronger athletes tend to benefit from more explosive exercises like the power clean or snatch.  Thus, beginners might benefit mostly from strength training rather than plyometric training.

Periodization is also a very important part of strength training.  It appears that early in the training process higher amounts of volume and lower intensities are required.  As one approaches competition volume is decreased and intensity is increased.


Enhancing Power Development in Football Players: A Comprehensive Review

In American football, strength plays a pivotal role in determining an athlete’s performance on the field. This review article, titled “Methods of Developing Power With Special Reference to Football Players” by Haff and Stone (2015), provides valuable insights into the importance of strength training for football players. By examining various aspects of strength training, the article offers a comprehensive understanding of how strength training directly contributes to the development of explosive power, a key attribute for football success.

Importance of Strength Training for Power Development

The force-velocity and power relationship highlighted in the study underscores the significance of strength training in enhancing power output (Østerås et al., 2002). The authors explain that by increasing force production across different velocities, an athlete’s power can be significantly improved. Consequently, strength training serves as the foundation for maximizing explosive power, a critical factor in football performance.

Potentiation Complexes for Power Enhancement

One effective technique discussed in the article is the use of potentiation complexes. This approach involves pairing heavy lifts with unloaded or light lifts, resulting in enhanced force output during the subsequent lighter lift (Iacono et al., 2014). The authors attribute this phenomenon to the primed state of the nervous system, as well as the warm and prepared state of the muscles. Various physiological mechanisms, such as calcium kinetics and ATPase phosphorylation, likely contribute to the increased ability to generate power.

Individualized Approach to Strength Training

The review emphasizes the importance of tailoring strength training programs to individual athletes based on their existing strength levels. Weaker athletes tend to benefit greatly from strength training exercises, which help them develop a solid foundation of strength. On the other hand, stronger athletes benefit more from explosive exercises like power cleans or snatches, which focus on refining their explosive power. Consequently, beginners in football may initially benefit from strength training before transitioning to plyometric training as they progress.

Periodization for Optimal Strength Development

The article also emphasizes the significance of periodization in strength training for football players. It suggests that during the early stages of training, higher volume and lower intensities are required to build a solid strength base (Pitfield, n.d.). As the athletes approach competition, the training volume is decreased, and the intensity is increased to optimize power development. This periodization approach ensures that athletes peak at the right time and achieve their maximum power potential during key events.


In conclusion, the review article by Haff and Stone (2015) sheds light on the critical role of strength training in power development for football players. By increasing force production, athletes can enhance their power output, ultimately improving their performance on the field. The utilization of potentiation complexes, tailored training approaches, and effective periodization strategies further contribute to optimizing power development. Football coaches and trainers can use these findings to design evidence-based training programs that maximize power and ultimately improve the overall performance of their players on the football field.


Iacono, A. D., De Villarreal, E. S., & Haff, G. G. (2014). The Temporal Profile of Postactivation Potentiation Is Related to Strength Level. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(3), 706–715. 

Pitfield, D. (n.d.). Football Periodization. 

Østerås, H., Helgerud, J., & Hoff, J. (2002). Maximal strength-training effects on force-velocity and force-power relationships explain increases in aerobic performance in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 88(3), 255–263. 



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