Tourism Australia would like to increase visitor numbers from another country. Research the current market for tourists from YOUR COUNTRY and investigate the possibility of increasing the number of people who visit Australia from there. Examine how current Australian business operations need to be modified (changed) to achieve this and list the resources needed to take advantage of these newly identified and evaluated opportunities. My Country is Oman so all the information should be from THIS COUNTRY WHICH IS OMAN


Tourism Australia would like to increase visitor numbers from another country.

Research the current market for tourists from YOUR COUNTRY and investigate the possibility of increasing the number of people who visit Australia from there.

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Tourism Australia would like to increase visitor numbers from another country. Research the current market for tourists from YOUR COUNTRY and investigate the possibility of increasing the number of people who visit Australia from there. Examine how current Australian business operations need to be modified (changed) to achieve this and list the resources needed to take advantage of these newly identified and evaluated opportunities. My Country is Oman so all the information should be from THIS COUNTRY WHICH IS OMAN
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Examine how current Australian business operations need to be modified (changed) to achieve this and list the resources needed to take advantage of these newly identified and evaluated opportunities.

My Country is Oman
so all the information should be from THIS COUNTRY WHICH IS OMAN






Increasing Visitor Numbers from Oman: A Market Analysis and Strategic Approach for Tourism Australia

Tourism Australia aims to enhance the number of visitors from Oman, a country known for its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and adventurous spirit. This report examines the current market for Omani tourists, evaluates opportunities to increase their visitation to Australia, and outlines the necessary modifications and resources needed to capitalize on these opportunities.

Market Analysis

Demographic Profile

   – Omani tourists typically belong to the upper-middle-income segment with a growing disposable income.

   – The population is predominantly Muslim, making it essential to cater to their cultural and religious preferences.

   – Omani tourists often travel with family, seeking authentic experiences, leisure activities, and natural wonders.

Market Size and Growth

   – The number of Omani tourists visiting Australia has shown steady growth in recent years, reflecting a rising interest in international travel.

   – According to the Oman National Centre for Statistics and Information, the number of Omani residents traveling abroad has been consistently increasing.

Market Trends and Preferences

   – Omani tourists exhibit a strong preference for nature-based tourism, such as exploring national parks, coastal regions, and wildlife encounters.

   – They value luxury and high-quality services, seeking premium experiences and accommodations.

   – Cultural exchange and educational opportunities are significant motivators, including visits to historical landmarks, museums, and cultural festivals.

Opportunities for Increasing Visitor Numbers

Tailored Marketing and Promotion

   – Develop targeted marketing campaigns highlighting Australia’s unique natural attractions, luxury offerings, and diverse cultural experiences.

   – Collaborate with Omani travel agencies and tour operators to create customized itineraries that align with Omani tourists’ preferences.

Enhanced Digital Presence

   – Optimize Tourism Australia’s website and social media platforms to provide comprehensive and culturally sensitive information in Arabic.

   – Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve visibility and ensure easy accessibility of information to Omani travelers.

Strengthening Air Connectivity

   – Collaborate with airlines to increase direct flights between Oman and Australia, reducing travel time and enhancing convenience for Omani tourists.

   – Provide attractive travel packages, including bundled airfare and accommodation options, to incentivize travel to Australia.

Cultural Sensitivity and Services

   – Train tourism industry professionals to be culturally aware and sensitive to the needs and preferences of Omani tourists.

   – Ensure availability of Halal-certified food options, prayer facilities, and appropriate accommodations to cater to religious requirements.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

   – Collaborate with Omani travel agencies, tour operators, and influencers to promote Australia as a desirable destination.

   – Form alliances with luxury hotels and resorts to offer exclusive packages and discounts for Omani tourists.

Resources Required

Marketing and Promotion:

   – Budget allocation for targeted marketing campaigns in Oman through various channels (digital, print, TV, and radio).

   – Hiring Arabic-speaking marketing personnel to create culturally relevant content and engage with Omani travelers.

   – Collaboration with local creative agencies and influencers to develop compelling marketing materials.


 Digital Presence:

   – Website optimization and development of Arabic language content.

   – Resources for implementing SEO strategies to improve online visibility.

   – Hiring a dedicated social media team to engage with Omani audiences and address their queries.


Air Connectivity:

   – Collaborative agreements with airlines to increase the frequency of direct flights between Oman and Australia.

   – Negotiations with airports to improve facilities for Omani travelers.


Cultural Sensitivity and Services:

   – Training programs for tourism industry professionals to enhance cultural awareness and sensitivity.

   – Collaboration with certified Halal food providers and accommodation establishments.


Partnerships and Collaborations:

   – Investment in partnerships with Omani travel agencies


Oman National Centre for Statistics and Information: 

Deloitte. (2021). 2021 Middle East Real Estate Predictions: Outlook for the Middle East Hospitality Sector. Retrieved from: 

 Ministry of Tourism, Oman. (n.d.). Oman Visitor Statistics. Retrieved from:!ut/p/a1/jc_LDoIwGAXgR9RCLuLLj8rjQbWGSJImIYOoFgkVQyYTJfD_nz1sP6BANhyhGgCo3IvPXZMfG0skZvP9GKuaCnssHEtisQ9cwmZMSawNG4GBhABGUzTw-t00DkykREIvZ6PTDyHZHAbURFNyZNfMFU1W5rI9i0BWZnypq4iU55Rb9eETIRhjOyvH3EnxuyGrTVRV1kSnvAIrLaL/ 


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