From a historical perspective, Florence Nightingale’s nursing work continues to provide significant influence in creating nursing knowledge, cultures of safety, and nursing’s call to improve the health of the community What is your philosophy of professional nursing practice? What is your perceived view of nursing? What are your enduring values that brought you to nursing? How do you describe patient, health, environment, and nursing? How does this worldview influence your nursing care? Has your worldview of nursing practice changed as a result of your nursing experiences? Please take into consideration these questions and include your answers in your paper.


From a historical perspective, Florence Nightingale’s nursing work continues to provide significant influence in creating nursing knowledge, cultures of safety, and nursing’s call to improve the health of the community
What is your philosophy of professional nursing practice? What is your perceived view of nursing? What are your enduring values that brought you to nursing? How do you describe patient, health, environment, and nursing? How does this worldview influence your nursing care? Has your worldview of nursing practice changed as a result of your nursing experiences? Please take into consideration these questions and include your answers in your paper.

*The following criteria are used to assign points to Assignment *
*Introduction (must be a paragraph)
*Discuss your own philosophy of professional nursing practice. Include 4 or more characteristics that describe your philosophy of nursing . Introspective and reflective remarks must be evident.
*What influences may be aligned with the work of Florence Nightingale?
*Incorporate topics from readings and exploration of course and other scholarly resources. Include introspective discussion and remarks that demonstrate your individual lens describing the practice of nursing. See below for topics from readings.
*Conclusion (must be a paragraph)

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From a historical perspective, Florence Nightingale’s nursing work continues to provide significant influence in creating nursing knowledge, cultures of safety, and nursing’s call to improve the health of the community What is your philosophy of professional nursing practice? What is your perceived view of nursing? What are your enduring values that brought you to nursing? How do you describe patient, health, environment, and nursing? How does this worldview influence your nursing care? Has your worldview of nursing practice changed as a result of your nursing experiences? Please take into consideration these questions and include your answers in your paper.
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Discussion topics that we discussed that should be incorporated in paper instructions
Why nurse theorists created their theories?
Three broad categories that classify nursing theories.
Do any of the components or criteria of evaluating a nursing theory seem more significant than other?
Is the lack of a component detrimental in some way to the usefulness of the theory?
Who would you partner with to complete an in-depth theory evaluation in your practice setting?
In what ways do you think Nightingale’s ideas about nursing seemed radical when she first proposed them? Review the 11 Assumptions that summarize Nightingale’s philosophy of nursing. Of these 11 Assumptions, which points have resonance for you? Provide a rationale..

The written philosophy of nursing is presented in a well-organized thoughtful paper. Include external scholarly resources to support your position.
Paper is written in APA style
Each paragraph must have a title
Length of paper should be 3 – 4 pages (body of text). Length of written discourse does not include the title page, figures, diagrams or reference pages.
Uses 4 or more contemporary scholarly sources. Exploration of external course resources apparent.


The Philosophy of Professional Nursing Practice: Influences, Values, and Worldview

Nursing is a noble profession that encompasses not only the provision of healthcare but also the promotion of well-being and the improvement of the community’s health. As a nurse, my philosophy of professional nursing practice is guided by several core principles. These principles are shaped by my personal values, influenced by historical figures like Florence Nightingale, and continually evolving through my experiences in the field.

My Philosophy of Professional Nursing Practice

Holistic Care: I believe in providing holistic care that addresses the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of a patient’s well-being. By considering the whole person, I aim to promote healing and facilitate the highest level of health possible.

Patient-Centered Approach: I perceive nursing as a patient-centered profession, where the needs, preferences, and values of the individual are at the forefront of care. Building a therapeutic relationship with patients and involving them in decision-making empowers them to actively participate in their own health journey.

Advocacy: Nursing involves advocating for patients’ rights, ensuring they receive equitable access to healthcare, and promoting social justice within the healthcare system. I believe in being a voice for vulnerable populations, addressing health disparities, and promoting health equity.

Lifelong Learning: Nursing is a constantly evolving field, and I embrace the importance of ongoing education and professional development. Engaging in continuous learning enables me to stay abreast of evidence-based practices and provide the highest quality of care to my patients.

Influences Aligned with the Work of Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale’s pioneering work in nursing has had a profound influence on the profession, and her contributions continue to resonate today. Her emphasis on evidence-based practice, patient advocacy, and the role of nursing in promoting community health align closely with my philosophy.

Nightingale’s focus on the environment and its impact on health also resonates with my nursing practice. She recognized the significance of a clean, well-ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing environment in promoting healing. Similarly, I strive to create a safe and therapeutic environment for my patients, which includes physical comfort, emotional support, and a positive atmosphere that enhances well-being.

Additionally, Nightingale’s commitment to promoting nursing as a respected and educated profession aligns with my belief in the importance of continuous professional development. Her efforts to improve nursing education and establish professional standards have shaped the contemporary nursing landscape.

Enduring Values in Nursing

The values that have drawn me to nursing and continue to guide my practice include compassion, integrity, respect, and collaboration. These values underpin the nurse-patient relationship, promote trust and dignity, and foster a collaborative approach to care. By upholding these values, I strive to provide compassionate and ethical care that respects the uniqueness and diversity of each individual.

View of Patient, Health, Environment, and Nursing

Patient: I perceive the patient as a unique individual with physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. Each patient has their own story, experiences, and needs that deserve individualized attention and care.

Health: Health is not merely the absence of disease but a dynamic state of physical, mental, and social well-being. It encompasses the patient’s ability to function optimally, adapt to challenges, and achieve their desired quality of life.

Environment: The environment plays a crucial role in health and healing. It includes both the physical surroundings and the social and cultural context in which patients live. A supportive environment promotes recovery, fosters well-being, and enhances the patient’s overall experience.

Nursing: Nursing is a profession dedicated to promoting, maintaining, and restoring health. It involves a combination of scientific knowledge, technical skills, and compassionate care (National Academies Press (US), 2021b). Nurses serve as advocates, educators, and coordinators of care, collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to optimize patient outcomes and improve the health of the community.

Influence of Worldview on Nursing Care

My worldview, shaped by my philosophy of nursing practice, profoundly influences the care I provide. By embracing a holistic and patient-centered approach, I prioritize understanding the unique needs and perspectives of each patient. This enables me to develop individualized care plans and involve patients in their own decision-making, fostering a sense of empowerment and ownership over their health.

My commitment to advocacy motivates me to actively address health disparities and promote equitable access to care. I strive to be an ally for marginalized populations, advocating for their rights and working towards eliminating barriers that hinder their well-being.

Furthermore, Nightingale’s emphasis on the environment’s impact on health inspires me to create healing environments for my patients (Gregory et al., 2022). I prioritize ensuring cleanliness, comfort, and safety in the physical surroundings, as well as promoting a supportive and positive atmosphere that encourages healing and emotional well-being.

Changes in Worldview Through Nursing Experiences

Throughout my nursing experiences, my worldview of nursing practice has evolved and deepened. Experiencing the challenges and triumphs of patient care has reinforced the importance of empathy, compassion, and active listening in establishing therapeutic relationships. Witnessing the impact of social determinants of health on patients’ well-being has further strengthened my commitment to advocacy and addressing health inequities.

Moreover, my experiences have highlighted the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration and lifelong learning in delivering high-quality care (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). I have come to appreciate the value of diverse perspectives and expertise in developing comprehensive care plans that address the multifaceted needs of patients.

In conclusion, my philosophy of professional nursing practice is grounded in providing holistic, patient-centered care, advocating for patients’ rights and health equity, embracing lifelong learning, and creating healing environments. Influenced by the work of Florence Nightingale, I value evidence-based practice, patient advocacy, and the role of nursing in improving the health of the community. My enduring values of compassion, integrity, respect, and collaboration guide my nursing practice, while my worldview shapes my approach to patient care, emphasizing individualized care, health promotion, and the importance of the environment. Through my nursing experiences, my worldview has evolved, deepening my commitment to empathy, advocacy, interdisciplinary collaboration, and lifelong learning in the pursuit of excellence in nursing practice.


Bosch, B., & Mansell, H. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration in health care. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 148(4), 176–179. 

Gregory, D., Stichler, J. F., & Zborowsky, T. (2022). Adapting and Creating Healing Environments: Lessons Nurses Have Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nurse Leader, 20(2), 201–207. 

National Academies Press (US). (2021b, May 11). Supporting the Health and Professional Well-Being of Nurses. The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 – NCBI Bookshelf. 



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