I have two projects I did with a group for class. One is the service learning project (Science advocacy- Science Education K-12-Vaccination and Healthcare) and the other is a service learning project (Covid19 – Community Impact).

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I have two projects I did with a group for class. One is the service learning project (Science advocacy- Science Education K-12-Vaccination and Healthcare) and the other is a service learning project (Covid19 – Community Impact).
Each member of my group has a responsibility/task to do for the project. (Just like any other group project is like)

I am supposed to write a half page of my own analysis of data and text explaining background, interpretation, and conclusion of my data and section of the project that is my responsibility, For both projects.
I need a half page for The science Advocacy project and I need a half page for the Covid19 project.
These are two different projects so don’t mix them.

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I have two projects I did with a group for class. One is the service learning project (Science advocacy- Science Education K-12-Vaccination and Healthcare) and the other is a service learning project (Covid19 – Community Impact).
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So, to make it clear,
ServiceLearningProject K-12 : A half page my own analysis of data and text explaining the background, interpretation, and conclusion of my data and section of the project that is my responsibility.

ServiceLearningProject Covid19 :
A half page of my own analysis of data and text explaining the background, interpretation, and conclusion of my data and section of the project that is my responsibility

I am going to upload both projects so you can see the work, and you can see what I did for my part of the group.

If you have any questions, let me know.

In simpler terms:
I just need a half page explaining my part of the project. So that’s two half pages for what I did for both projects. Two different projects, that need the same thing (an explaination/data of the part I did, my responsibility/task of the project)

I’m uploading the COVID19 project presentation so you can see what it is. But I am also going to upload a picture of just the part I did so you can write only of the work I did for that project.
I will do the same for the other project too.


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