What is your philosophy of professional nursing practice? What is your perceived view of nursing? What are your enduring values that brought you to nursing? How do you describe patient, health, environment, and nursing? How does this worldview influence your nursing care? Has your worldview of nursing practice changed as a result of your nursing experiences? Please take into consideration these questions and include your answers in your paper.


From a historical perspective, Florence Nightingale’s nursing work continues to provide significant influence in creating nursing knowledge, cultures of safety, and nursing’s call to improve the health of the community
What is your philosophy of professional nursing practice? What is your perceived view of nursing? What are your enduring values that brought you to nursing? How do you describe patient, health, environment, and nursing? How does this worldview influence your nursing care? Has your worldview of nursing practice changed as a result of your nursing experiences? Please take into consideration these questions and include your answers in your paper.

*The following criteria are used to assign points to Assignment *
*Introduction (must be a paragraph)
*Discuss your own philosophy of professional nursing practice. Include 4 or more characteristics that describe your philosophy of nursing . Introspective and reflective remarks must be evident.
*What influences may be aligned with the work of Florence Nightingale?
*Incorporate topics from readings and exploration of course and other scholarly resources. Include introspective discussion and remarks that demonstrate your individual lens describing the practice of nursing. See below for topics from readings.
*Conclusion (must be a paragraph)

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What is your philosophy of professional nursing practice? What is your perceived view of nursing? What are your enduring values that brought you to nursing? How do you describe patient, health, environment, and nursing? How does this worldview influence your nursing care? Has your worldview of nursing practice changed as a result of your nursing experiences? Please take into consideration these questions and include your answers in your paper.
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Discussion topics that we discussed that should be incorporated in paper instructions
Why nurse theorists created their theories?
Three broad categories that classify nursing theories.
Do any of the components or criteria of evaluating a nursing theory seem more significant than other?
Is the lack of a component detrimental in some way to the usefulness of the theory?
Who would you partner with to complete an in-depth theory evaluation in your practice setting?
In what ways do you think Nightingale’s ideas about nursing seemed radical when she first proposed them? Review the 11 Assumptions that summarize Nightingale’s philosophy of nursing. Of these 11 Assumptions, which points have resonance for you? Provide a rationale..

The written philosophy of nursing is presented in a well-organized thoughtful paper. Include external scholarly resources to support your position.
Paper is written in APA style
Each paragraph must have a title
Length of paper should be 3 – 4 pages (body of text). Length of written discourse does not include the title page, figures, diagrams or reference pages.
Uses 4 or more contemporary scholarly sources. Exploration of external course resources apparent.


 Philosophy of Professional Nursing Practice: Influences from Florence Nightingale


Nursing is a profession that holds a special place in healthcare, providing compassionate care and promoting the well-being of individuals and communities. As a nurse, my philosophy of professional nursing practice is shaped by the belief that nursing is a holistic and patient-centered discipline. This paper aims to discuss my personal philosophy of nursing, explore the influences aligned with the work of Florence Nightingale, and highlight the impact of my worldview on nursing care.

My Philosophy of Professional Nursing Practice

Holistic Care: I believe in the importance of holistic care, recognizing that individuals are complex beings with physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. By addressing all aspects of a patient’s well-being, nursing can promote optimal health and healing.

Patient Advocacy: Advocacy lies at the core of nursing practice. I strive to be a voice for my patients, empowering them to actively participate in their care decisions and ensuring their rights and preferences are respected.

Lifelong Learning: Nursing is a dynamic field, constantly evolving with advancements in research and technology (Qalehsari et al., 2017). I value the pursuit of knowledge and embrace continuous learning to provide evidence-based and quality care to my patients.

Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Approach: Effective healthcare delivery requires collaboration among healthcare professionals. I believe in fostering interdisciplinary teamwork, recognizing the unique contributions of each member, and working together to achieve positive patient outcomes.

Influences Aligned with the Work of Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale’s pioneering work in nursing has had a profound influence on the profession. Her commitment to patient care, hygiene, and evidence-based practice aligns with my philosophy of nursing. Nightingale’s emphasis on the importance of a clean and safe environment to promote healing resonates with the concept of creating cultures of safety in modern healthcare settings. Her belief in improving the health of the community reflects the contemporary focus on population health and preventive care.

Incorporating Readings and Scholarly Resources

Through my exploration of course materials and scholarly resources, I have gained a deeper understanding of nursing theories and their significance. Nurse theorists created their theories to guide nursing practice, enhance patient care, and promote professional development. Three broad categories that classify nursing theories are grand theories, middle-range theories, and practice theories. Each category offers unique contributions to the understanding and improvement of nursing care.

The evaluation of nursing theories involves assessing their significance, coherence, and applicability to practice. While all components of theory evaluation are essential, the lack of any component can limit the usefulness of a theory (Im, 2015). To conduct an in-depth theory evaluation in my practice setting, I would partner with nurse researchers, educators, and experienced clinicians who possess expertise in theory development and application.

Impact of Worldview on Nursing Care

My worldview of nursing practice strongly influences the care I provide. By embracing a holistic perspective, I consider not only the physical needs of patients but also their emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. This approach helps me develop individualized care plans that address the unique needs and preferences of each patient. I strive to create a safe and therapeutic environment that promotes healing and supports patients’ overall well-being.

Changes in Worldview through Nursing Experiences

My worldview of nursing practice has evolved and grown through my nursing experiences. As I interact with diverse patients and encounter different healthcare challenges, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the complexities of nursing care (National Academies Press (US), 1995). These experiences have reinforced the importance of patient-centered care, collaboration, and continuous learning. I have also witnessed the transformative impact that nursing can have on individuals and communities, further solidifying my dedication to the profession.


In conclusion, my philosophy of professional nursing practice centers on holistic care, patient advocacy, lifelong learning, and collaboration. Influenced by the work of Florence Nightingale, I strive to create a safe and healing environment for my patients. Through my ongoing exploration of nursing theories and experiences in the field, my worldview of nursing practice continues to evolve, enriching my understanding and commitment to providing high-quality care. By embracing these enduring values, I aim to contribute to the well-being and health of the individuals and communities I serve.


Im, E. (2015). The current status of theory evaluation in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(10), 2268–2278. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.12698 

National Academies Press (US). (1995). Nursing Practice. Nursing Health, & Environment – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK232401/ 

Qalehsari, M. Q., Khaghanizadeh, M., & Ebadi, A. (2017). Lifelong learning strategies in nursing: A systematic review. Electronic Physician, 9(10), 5541–5550. https://doi.org/10.19082/5541 


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