Topic: You topic must be a problem affecting our local community or individuals in our class. Your speech must contain a specific action we in the audience can take to solve this problem. Persuasive speeches are the hardest of all speeches because it requires credibility and emotional appeal of the speaker to be successful.
Assignment: You must convince the audience that a problem in our community exist, explain what is the cause of the problem, and offer a solution that we the audience can do to fix the problem.
Topic: You topic must be a problem affecting our local community or individuals in our class. Your speech must contain a specific action we in the audience can take to solve this problem.
Persuasive speeches are the hardest of all speeches because it requires credibility and emotional appeal of the speaker to be successful.
Special Requirements:
This presentation should persuade your audience to take action to help solve your problem. knows.
2. Use one of the following organization patterns Problem Solution, Cause, or Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
3. Your speech must contain at least 4 outside sources, and those sources must be cited verbally in the speech and in writing on a work cited page accompanying your outline.
. Make sure your presentation is persuasive in nature.
6. Turn in a Typed outline that must be formatted correctly with a work cited page.
Addressing Food Insecurity in Our Community
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, I stand before you to shed light on a pressing issue that plagues our community: food insecurity. This problem not only affects individuals in our local area but also within our very own class. I urge you to pay attention to the alarming statistics, understand the causes behind this issue, and embrace a solution that each one of us can actively contribute to.
Definition and prevalence of food insecurity:
Food insecurity refers to the lack of access to sufficient, nutritious food to lead a healthy and active life. Shockingly, our community faces a high prevalence of this problem, with an estimated one in six individuals struggling with food insecurity (Hunger, n.d.). This means that some of our classmates may not have consistent access to adequate meals.
Consequences of food insecurity:
The consequences of food insecurity are far-reaching and detrimental. Individuals experiencing food insecurity are at higher risk of malnutrition, poor physical and mental health, and reduced academic performance. Hunger stifles their potential and limits their opportunities for growth.
Economic factors
One of the primary causes of food insecurity in our community is the prevailing economic disparities. Many families face financial constraints that prevent them from affording nutritious food (Abosy et al., 2022). Rising costs of living, unemployment, and underemployment contribute to this distressing situation.
Limited access to resources
Another contributing factor is the limited access to resources such as grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and community gardens in certain areas of our community. These food deserts make it challenging for individuals to obtain fresh and affordable produce.
Creating community food initiatives
To address food insecurity, we must come together as a community and establish local food initiatives. One effective solution is to establish community gardens and urban farms. By utilizing vacant lands or rooftops, we can cultivate fresh produce, engage volunteers, and provide a sustainable source of nutritious food.
Promoting food rescue programs
Food rescue programs play a crucial role in reducing food waste while addressing food insecurity. Partnering with local grocery stores, restaurants, and farms, we can redirect surplus food that would otherwise be discarded. These rescued items can be distributed to those in need through food banks or community centers.
Supporting local food banks
Local food banks are lifelines for many individuals and families facing food insecurity (What Are Food Banks and Are They Beneficial to Society? | FoodUnfolded, n.d.). We can contribute by organizing food drives within our class or community, collecting non-perishable items, and volunteering our time to sort and distribute food to those in need.
Call to Action
Today, I urge each one of you to take action and contribute to combating food insecurity in our community. Here are specific actions you can take:
Volunteer your time at a local community garden or urban farm
Participate in or organize a food drive within your class or community.
Advocate for policies that promote access to nutritious food for all members of our community.
Support local food banks through donations of non-perishable items or financial contributions.
Raise awareness about food insecurity through social media, presentations, or community events.
Ladies and gentlemen, the problem of food insecurity in our community is real and affects individuals right here in our class. By understanding the causes behind this issue and taking proactive steps, we can make a difference in the lives of those experiencing food insecurity. Let us join hands, support one another, and work towards building a community where no one goes to bed hungry. Together, we can create lasting change and ensure that everyone has access to the nutritious food they deserve.
Abosy, J. A., Grossman, A., & Dong, K. R. (2022). Determinants and Consequences of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Justice-Impacted Populations. Current Nutrition Reports, 11(3), 407–415.
Hunger. (n.d.). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
What Are Food Banks And Are They Beneficial To Society? | FoodUnfolded. (n.d.).
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