Paper Instructions will be included under files. I have attached videos on how to perform excel requirements. Format can either be in two column and 7 pages or standard format and 5 pages. Excel sheet will also need to be provided within paper and also as a separate document .I have also provided a peer’s risk project to supplement your effort. Charts and graphs will need to be included. Please contact me for ANY questions. Thank you.

Paper Instructions will be included under files. I have attached videos on how to perform excel requirements. Format can either be in two column and 7 pages or standard format and 5 pages. Excel sheet will also need to be provided within paper and also as a separate document .I have also provided a peer’s risk project to supplement your effort. Charts and graphs will need to be included. Please contact me for ANY questions. Thank you.

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Paper Instructions will be included under files. I have attached videos on how to perform excel requirements. Format can either be in two column and 7 pages or standard format and 5 pages. Excel sheet will also need to be provided within paper and also as a separate document .I have also provided a peer’s risk project to supplement your effort. Charts and graphs will need to be included. Please contact me for ANY questions. Thank you.
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