On the file that I provided there are 4 LAW OFFICE MEMOS that NEEDS to be done which it needs to include in all 4 assignentmts the following: 1. Heading and Caption 2. Question Presented 3. Brief Answer 4. Facts

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On the file that I provided there are 4 LAW OFFICE MEMOS that NEEDS to be done which it needs to include in all 4 assignentmts the following:
1. Heading and Caption
2. Question Presented
3. Brief Answer
4. Facts
5. Discussion: for this one it should include:
– Issue (restate the question presented)
– Rule (statutory law and case law)
– Application (apply the law to the facts in a case)
– Conclusion (state answer to question)
6. Conclusion
Each 4 Law Office Memos Assignment have a different case which are
1. Edwards v. Edward; modification of child support
2. Commonwealth v. Jackson; assault by means of a dangerous weapon lighting
3. Kelly v. Simon; implied warrant of fitness for a particular purpose
4. Med Dog Review v. Jonesville; first Amendment – freedom of expression


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On the file that I provided there are 4 LAW OFFICE MEMOS that NEEDS to be done which it needs to include in all 4 assignentmts the following: 1. Heading and Caption 2. Question Presented 3. Brief Answer 4. Facts
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