Instructions: Read the attached journal paper Follow the attached word document guide: Paper is on : Get real: Orbitofrontal cortex mediates the ability to sense reality in early adolescents Then follow the guide below to what to do, how many words , focus on what answer is needed After reading the journal article complete the tasks below.

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Instructions: Read the attached journal paper
Follow the attached word document guide:
Paper is on : Get real: Orbitofrontal cortex mediates the ability to sense reality in early adolescents
Then follow the guide below to what to do, how many words , focus on what answer is needed
After reading the journal article complete the tasks below.

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Instructions: Read the attached journal paper Follow the attached word document guide: Paper is on : Get real: Orbitofrontal cortex mediates the ability to sense reality in early adolescents Then follow the guide below to what to do, how many words , focus on what answer is needed After reading the journal article complete the tasks below.
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