1.Select one country in the world you are interested in. It is okay to pick the U.S. 2.Choose 2 measures of globalization we have learnt in class and calculate those measuresfor the country of your interest. Clearly state your data sources and calculation methods.You can consult Slides 2 for ideas on the measures. 3.Draw a conclusion on how globalized this country has become based on the measuresduring the time period you have examined. Clearly state your rationales. The following is a suggestion (not a mandatory format) on the presentation slides. Slide 1: introduce the country of your interest Slide 2: data source and calculation method on Measure 1 Slide 3: result of Measure 1

Table of Contents


1.Select one country in the world you are interested in. It is okay to pick the U.S.

2.Choose 2 measures of globalization we have learnt in class and calculate those measuresfor the country of your interest. Clearly state your data sources and calculation methods.You can consult Slides 2 for ideas on the measures.

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1.Select one country in the world you are interested in. It is okay to pick the U.S. 2.Choose 2 measures of globalization we have learnt in class and calculate those measuresfor the country of your interest. Clearly state your data sources and calculation methods.You can consult Slides 2 for ideas on the measures. 3.Draw a conclusion on how globalized this country has become based on the measuresduring the time period you have examined. Clearly state your rationales. The following is a suggestion (not a mandatory format) on the presentation slides. Slide 1: introduce the country of your interest Slide 2: data source and calculation method on Measure 1 Slide 3: result of Measure 1
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3.Draw a conclusion on how globalized this country has become based on the measuresduring the time period you have examined. Clearly state your rationales.

The following is a suggestion (not a mandatory format) on the presentation slides.

Slide 1: introduce the country of your interest

Slide 2: data source and calculation method on Measure 1

Slide 3: result of Measure 1

Slide 4: conclusion drawn from Measure 1

Slide 5: data source and calculation method on Measure 2

Slide 6: result of Measure 2

Slide 7: conclusion drawn from Measure 2

Slide 8: concluding remarks on the overall findings


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