Journal Four: Theme For journal entry four, please chose one of the novel’s themes and discuss how you think the novel develops that theme.  The word theme is often ambiguous in that it can have different meanings in different contexts.  For example, one definition of theme is: a central idea in a piece of writing or other work of art.  For this journal entry, I want you to use this definition: a recurring idea which is complex and/or moralistic.  Thus I want you to write a well developed paragraph showing how the theme you’ve chosen is recurrent, complex and/or moralistic.


Journal Four: Theme

For journal entry four, please chose one of the novel’s themes and discuss how you think the novel develops that theme.  The word theme is often ambiguous in that it can have different meanings in different contexts.  For example, one definition of theme is: a central idea in a piece of writing or other work of art.  For this journal entry, I want you to use this definition: a recurring idea which is complex and/or moralistic.  Thus I want you to write a well developed paragraph showing how the theme you’ve chosen is recurrent, complex and/or moralistic.

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Journal Four: Theme For journal entry four, please chose one of the novel’s themes and discuss how you think the novel develops that theme.  The word theme is often ambiguous in that it can have different meanings in different contexts.  For example, one definition of theme is: a central idea in a piece of writing or other work of art.  For this journal entry, I want you to use this definition: a recurring idea which is complex and/or moralistic.  Thus I want you to write a well developed paragraph showing how the theme you’ve chosen is recurrent, complex and/or moralistic.
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Journal Five: Two common themes which are sometimes confused in literature are the coming of age theme and the loss of innocence theme.  Most scholars consider them separate and distinct.  One primary difference is that the loss of innocence theme has negative connotations and the coming of age theme often doesn’t, focusing more on the natural, positive change of “growing up.”  For journal five, please describe Lily’s loss of innocence in a one page essay.


The Illusion of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”


Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby,” delves into the recurrent and complex theme of the illusion of the American Dream. Through the experiences of various characters, Fitzgerald explores the deceptive nature of this ideal and its profound impact on their lives. This essay will analyze how the theme of the illusion of the American Dream is recurrent, complex, and moralistic, shedding light on the consequences of pursuing material wealth and social status.

Recurrent Theme

The illusion of the American Dream is a recurring theme throughout the novel, woven into the fabric of the story and influencing the lives of the characters. Jay Gatsby, the epitome of the American Dream, seeks to attain wealth and success to win back his lost love, Daisy Buchanan. His lavish parties and extravagant lifestyle portray a façade of opulence and success, masking the emptiness and unfulfilled desires that lie beneath (How Does Jay Gatsby Fulfill the American Dream |, n.d.). Similarly, Daisy, a symbol of privilege and social status, represents the superficial allure of the American Dream. Her marriage to Tom Buchanan, a wealthy but morally bankrupt man, illustrates the consequences of prioritizing material wealth over emotional fulfillment.

Complex Theme

The theme of the illusion of the American Dream is complex, as it intertwines with other themes and explores intricate aspects of human nature. Fitzgerald delves into the inherent contradictions and paradoxes that arise when one pursues the American Dream. While wealth and success are traditionally associated with happiness, the characters in the novel find themselves trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction and moral decay (The Great Gatsby the American Dream |, n.d.). Gatsby’s obsession with material wealth ultimately leads to his downfall, highlighting the hollowness of his aspirations. Furthermore, the theme exposes the dark underbelly of the Jazz Age society, characterized by greed, corruption, and the erosion of moral values.

Moralistic Commentary

Fitzgerald employs the theme of the illusion of the American Dream to provide a moralistic commentary on society and human nature (Wulick, n.d.). Through the characters’ experiences, he highlights the moral decay that accompanies the relentless pursuit of wealth and social status. Gatsby’s longing for Daisy blinds him to the reality of her character and the superficiality of their relationship. The characters’ actions, driven by their pursuit of the American Dream, ultimately lead to tragedy and loss. Fitzgerald’s portrayal serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the perils of prioritizing material wealth and the inherent emptiness that accompanies it.


In “The Great Gatsby,” F. Scott Fitzgerald skillfully develops the theme of the illusion of the American Dream, showcasing its recurrence, complexity, and moralistic implications. Through the characters’ experiences, Fitzgerald exposes the hollowness and moral decay that accompany the relentless pursuit of material wealth and social status. This theme serves as a sobering reminder of the consequences of sacrificing genuine human connections and moral values in the pursuit of an illusory ideal. By examining the complexities of the theme, readers are compelled to reflect on their own aspirations and the true essence of the American Dream.


How Does Jay Gatsby Fulfill The American Dream | (n.d.). 

The Great Gatsby The American Dream | (n.d.). 

Wulick, A. (n.d.). Best Analysis: The American Dream in The Great Gatsby. 

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