Friendly Note: As we complete the following, is it possible for you to keep in mind of the sub topic and try to lean our annotated bibliography to support that specific subtopic. Of course elaborate just as you previously did, which was great, but now we are getting into the themes of my paper and it should support the subtopic but still be an accurate annotated bibliography .Of course you did an amazing job with the last paper and I know this will be great again. Thank you.

Friendly Note: As we complete the following, is it possible for you to keep in mind of the sub topic and try to lean our annotated bibliography to support that specific subtopic. Of course elaborate just as you previously did, which was great, but now we are getting into the themes of my paper and it should support the subtopic but still be an accurate annotated bibliography .Of course you did an amazing job with the last paper and I know this will be great again. Thank you.
1. Please scroll to Chapter 2 Literature Review.
2. Scroll down until you see Literature Review Related to Key Variable and Concepts.
3. We are going to pick up from where we left off from the other literature annotated bibliography. Your first article should be McClelland. I will count until I get to 20 (I’ll send the links). I will do the remaining 5 because I am running out of money. The information that is already within the paper will remain.
4. The goal of this portion of my paper is to expound on each article using somewhat of the following format e.g. Carstarphen (2018) discovered… The findings in this article will help researchers…This research is relevant to my study, because…
5. Conners et al. (2017) conducted a preliminary evaluation…The outcome for this study provided data…This research is relevant to my study, because…
6. Cook et al. (2018) conducted a quantitative…The outcome of this study provided…This research is relevant to my study, because…The findings may also…
7. Dawson-McClure et al. (2017) revealed a quantitative study…The findings in this article…This research is relevant to my study
8. The examples that I listed are important and the specific words: revealed, relevant, findings, outcome, conducted, etc. must be used or you could try a thesaurus.
9. I will up load my working document and will send the 20 article links to you shortly. Thank you.

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Friendly Note: As we complete the following, is it possible for you to keep in mind of the sub topic and try to lean our annotated bibliography to support that specific subtopic. Of course elaborate just as you previously did, which was great, but now we are getting into the themes of my paper and it should support the subtopic but still be an accurate annotated bibliography .Of course you did an amazing job with the last paper and I know this will be great again. Thank you.
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