the expected marketing costs for the upcoming years so that I can include them in the Income statement? Also, I saw that you referenced Eleven James as a competitor, however they are out of business since 2 years. And sorry for mentioning another point but I am not sure how if we are on the same page with the pricing since you mentioned 3 and 6 month packages and giving discounts for the latter. Since we calculated our figures for the financial projections with the discussed fees, it would be great if we are all still on the same page and no calculation is off.

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the expected marketing costs for the upcoming years so that I can include them in the Income statement? Also, I saw that you referenced Eleven James as a competitor, however they are out of business since 2 years. And sorry for mentioning another point but I am not sure how if we are on the same page with the pricing since you mentioned 3 and 6 month packages and giving discounts for the latter. Since we calculated our figures for the financial projections with the discussed fees, it would be great if we are all still on the same page and no calculation is off.… this is one of our competitor and if you find any more companies are currently working you can add

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the expected marketing costs for the upcoming years so that I can include them in the Income statement? Also, I saw that you referenced Eleven James as a competitor, however they are out of business since 2 years. And sorry for mentioning another point but I am not sure how if we are on the same page with the pricing since you mentioned 3 and 6 month packages and giving discounts for the latter. Since we calculated our figures for the financial projections with the discussed fees, it would be great if we are all still on the same page and no calculation is off.
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also i add our financials you can go through and check the pricing ,also i believe that its written on one of the parts on the plan the company discreption.

if you have any additional Q’s please let me know


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