You will be presenting your research report. Because this is an online class it will have to be a virtual presentation. You will need to create PowerPoint slides and either (1) “Click to Add Notes” at the bottom of each slide (2) Click on the “Slide Show” tab in PowerPoint, then click “Record Slide Show” – if you choose this option, your presentation should be approximately 5-10 minutes in length; or (3) If you are not sure how to do either of the following two options, then you will still need to create a PowerPoint Presentation and include a Word Document explaining the bullets on each slide (use appropriate numbering). Your presentation should be between 7-10 slides.

Table of Contents


You will be presenting your research report. Because this is an online class it will have to be a virtual presentation. You will need to create PowerPoint slides and either (1) “Click to Add Notes” at the bottom of each slide (2) Click on the “Slide Show” tab in PowerPoint, then click “Record Slide Show” – if you choose this option, your presentation should be approximately 5-10 minutes in length; or (3) If you are not sure how to do either of the following two options, then you will still need to create a PowerPoint Presentation and include a Word Document explaining the bullets on each slide (use appropriate numbering). Your presentation should be between 7-10 slides.


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You will be presenting your research report. Because this is an online class it will have to be a virtual presentation. You will need to create PowerPoint slides and either (1) “Click to Add Notes” at the bottom of each slide (2) Click on the “Slide Show” tab in PowerPoint, then click “Record Slide Show” – if you choose this option, your presentation should be approximately 5-10 minutes in length; or (3) If you are not sure how to do either of the following two options, then you will still need to create a PowerPoint Presentation and include a Word Document explaining the bullets on each slide (use appropriate numbering). Your presentation should be between 7-10 slides.
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