please read the attachment and then answer the two questions. 1- Why didn’t the NIH get any medical breakthroughs or new procedures with all that money? 2- What should they have done to get medical breakthroughs and/or new procedures? My third question: 3- Throughout the course Administrative behaviors, we have been discussing the organization’s role in our lives and your role in the organization. Take an incident in your professional, social, recreational, educational or other organizational life experience and critique it using cites from the book (The Bureaucratic Experience by Hummel). For example, after reading Hummel, has anything become clearer, more complicated, less complicated, or whatever. Would you have done anything different if you knew then what you know now? If yes, how so?

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please read the attachment and then answer the two questions.

1- Why didn’t the NIH get any medical breakthroughs or new procedures with all that money?

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please read the attachment and then answer the two questions. 1- Why didn’t the NIH get any medical breakthroughs or new procedures with all that money? 2- What should they have done to get medical breakthroughs and/or new procedures? My third question: 3- Throughout the course Administrative behaviors, we have been discussing the organization’s role in our lives and your role in the organization. Take an incident in your professional, social, recreational, educational or other organizational life experience and critique it using cites from the book (The Bureaucratic Experience by Hummel). For example, after reading Hummel, has anything become clearer, more complicated, less complicated, or whatever. Would you have done anything different if you knew then what you know now? If yes, how so?
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2- What should they have done to get medical breakthroughs and/or new procedures?

My third question:

3- Throughout the course Administrative behaviors, we have been discussing the organization’s role in our lives and your role in the organization. Take an incident in your professional, social, recreational, educational or other organizational life experience and critique it using cites from the book (The Bureaucratic Experience by Hummel). For example, after reading Hummel, has anything become clearer, more complicated, less complicated, or whatever. Would you have done anything different if you knew then what you know now? If yes, how so?


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