In this paper you will be required to write a short philosophy paper (5-7 pages) in which you argue for your chosen position on a topic of your choice. You can either choose a topic that we covered in class, or use one of your own choosing. If you choose a topic that was not covered in class it is essential that you understand the philosophical implications of the topic before you attempt to write your paper. If you have a topic in mind but are not sure of what to do with it, you may email me and I will attempt to help you determine a way forward.In this paper you will be required to write a short philosophy paper (5-7 pages) in which you argue for your chosen position on a topic of your choice. You can either choose a topic that we covered in class, or use one of your own choosing. If you choose a topic that was not covered in class it is essential that you understand the philosophical implications of the topic before you attempt to write your paper. If you have a topic in mind but are not sure of what to do with it, you may email me and I will attempt to help you determine a way forward.

Table of Contents


In this paper you will be required to write a short philosophy paper (5-7 pages) in which you argue for your chosen position on a topic of your choice. You can either choose a topic that we covered in class, or use one of your own choosing. If you choose a topic that was not covered in class it is essential that you understand the philosophical implications of the topic before you attempt to write your paper. If you have a topic in mind but are not sure of what to do with it, you may email me and I will attempt to help you determine a way forward.

In this paper you should dedicate no more than 50 percent of the paper to explicating the view which you choose to argue. The rest of your paper should be dedicated to both explicating your own view (about 15% of the paper) and arguing your reasons (30%) for your view. Finally the conclusion should take up the remainder of your paper. The conclusion should wrap everything up nicely as a summary.

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In this paper you will be required to write a short philosophy paper (5-7 pages) in which you argue for your chosen position on a topic of your choice. You can either choose a topic that we covered in class, or use one of your own choosing. If you choose a topic that was not covered in class it is essential that you understand the philosophical implications of the topic before you attempt to write your paper. If you have a topic in mind but are not sure of what to do with it, you may email me and I will attempt to help you determine a way forward.In this paper you will be required to write a short philosophy paper (5-7 pages) in which you argue for your chosen position on a topic of your choice. You can either choose a topic that we covered in class, or use one of your own choosing. If you choose a topic that was not covered in class it is essential that you understand the philosophical implications of the topic before you attempt to write your paper. If you have a topic in mind but are not sure of what to do with it, you may email me and I will attempt to help you determine a way forward.
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I have included the basic rubric that I will use to grade your papers. Each student’s paper will be returned to them with a copy of this rubric (graded) and any additional notes I have on the paper.

Note: Both philosophy papers will require a bibliography page at the end of the paper, and some sort of coherent referencing scheme so that I understand where you are attributing a particular idea.

Please keep track of references you make throughout the article and include at the end in any way you would like.

Either before or after you complete the essay, please create a basic outline of what you will be covering in the essay. for example…

Intro: 10-12 sentences discussing (whatever you will be discussing

Body paragraph one: 7 sentences discussing(whatever you will be talking about)

this outline is just an outline of the essay you will be doing. it does not have to be anything specific, just to show my professor that I have planned out my essay.


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