Describe your chosen group in general terms – your impressions, general observations, purpose, characteristics of group members, etc. (1 page). You have 3 Group Options. You can utilize your Class Break Out Groups or one of the (2) below links which are demonstrations of group sessions.


Describe your chosen group in general terms – your impressions, general observations, purpose, characteristics of group members, etc. (1 page). You have 3 Group Options. You can utilize your Class Break Out Groups or one of the (2) below links which are demonstrations of group sessions.

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Describe your chosen group in general terms – your impressions, general observations, purpose, characteristics of group members, etc. (1 page). You have 3 Group Options. You can utilize your Class Break Out Groups or one of the (2) below links which are demonstrations of group sessions.
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PAGE 2. Create One Process Recording From Your Break Out Session or from one of the above links. (Column 1 – Dialogue/Content; Column 2: Observations; Column 3 – Emotional Response / Self Awareness; Column 4 – What could have been said or done to help move this group process further ?) (2 Pages)

PAGE 3: Present a group work model (Influential Theory) in your own words and discuss how this model helped you to understand the functioning of the above group. (1- 2 pages). Find another resource for your chosen theory other than your book. You should have at least two sources: your textbook (Chapter 2) from this class and either a journal article and/or another textbook.

Influential Theories: System Theory; Learning Theory; Field Theory; Psychodynamic Theory; Social Exchange Theory; Narrative and Constructivist Theory

PAGE 4. Assess the group structure and functioning using a least two (1) concepts from the text ( from the chosen theory). Integrate conceptual definitions into the discussion. (1 page)

PAGE 5: Discuss any ethical and diversity issues. (1/2page)

PAGE 6. Discuss changes in self-understanding as a result of participating in the group. (1/2 page)

Textbook An introduction to group work practice 8ed Toseland & Rivas. I will get the other source. I will be choosing the 1st youtube


Understanding and Enhancing Group Dynamics: A Case Study of a Class Break Out Group

Description of the Chosen Group

The chosen group for this assignment is a Class Break Out Group, consisting of students enrolled in a group work practice course. This group serves as a practical application platform for students to implement the concepts, theories, and skills they have acquired throughout the course.

The members of the Class Break Out Group encompass diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, contributing to the richness and depth of discussions within the group. These students come from various educational and professional domains, fostering a multidimensional exchange of ideas and insights (Allen et al., 2015). The group members demonstrate a strong commitment to their personal growth and development, actively engaging in the group process.

Characteristic traits observed among the group members include open-mindedness, respect, and mutual support. They exhibit a genuine willingness to listen to different perspectives, engage in constructive dialogue, and value the contributions of each member. The atmosphere within the group is one of empathy and compassion, fostering a safe and inclusive environment where everyone’s voice is heard and appreciated.

Overall, the Class Break Out Group functions as a collaborative learning community. The members work collectively towards a common objective of enhancing their comprehension and competence in the field of group work practice. They provide each other with constructive feedback, encouragement, and support, establishing a sense of camaraderie and shared responsibility for the group’s progress and success.

Process Recording from Break Out Session

Column 1 – Dialogue/Content:

During the Break Out Session, the group members engaged in an interactive discussion focusing on the challenges encountered while facilitating group activities. One member shared their struggle in effectively managing conflicts that arise within the group, while another expressed concerns regarding the maintenance of group cohesion. The group collectively examined these challenges, offering personal experiences and practical suggestions to address them.

Column 2 – Observations:

The group members actively participated in the dialogue, sharing their own anecdotes and providing valuable insights. They demonstrated exceptional listening skills by attentively and responsively engaging with each other’s contributions. The overall atmosphere of the group was characterized by collaboration, respect, and a genuine interest in supporting one another.

Column 3 – Emotional Response / Self-Awareness:

Throughout the Break Out Session, I felt fully engaged and invested in the discussion. Hearing the experiences and perspectives of other group members provided me with new insights into the challenges associated with facilitating group activities. Additionally, witnessing the shared concerns and solutions made me realize that these challenges are common in the realm of group work practice, fostering a sense of validation and reassurance.

Column 4 – What could have been said or done to help move this group process further?

To further enhance the group process, it would have been beneficial for the members to delve deeper into potential solutions. By exploring specific strategies for conflict management and group cohesion, drawing upon their collective knowledge and experiences, the group could have reached a more comprehensive understanding of these challenges (Kozlowski & Ilgen, 2006). Allocating additional time for each member to share their concerns would have facilitated a more thorough exploration of the issues at hand.

Page 3: Influential Theory – System Theory

System Theory, also known as Systems Thinking, offers a valuable framework for comprehending the dynamics of groups. This theory views a group as a complex system comprised of interconnected components that interact with one another and their environment. It emphasizes that a group cannot be fully understood by solely examining the individuals within it, but rather by analyzing the interactions and relationships within the system as a whole.

System Theory played a vital role in understanding the functioning of the Class Break Out Group. By emphasizing the interconnectedness of its members, the theory highlighted the significance of each individual’s actions and their potential impact on the entire group. Recognizing the group as a system allowed for a better balance between individual needs and the collective goals of the group. It underscored the importance of considering the broader context and environment in which the group operates, as these factors can influence its dynamics and outcomes.

In examining the Class Break Out Group through the lens of System Theory, I gained a deeper appreciation for the interdependence and complexity inherent in group processes. This theory encouraged a holistic perspective, reminding me to consider the intricate web of relationships and interactions that shape the group’s functioning. By recognizing the systemic nature of groups, I am better equipped to analyze the various factors influencing group dynamics and effectively navigate the challenges that may arise.


Allen, L., Kelly, B., Children, Y. B. O., & Families. (2015). Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8. In National Academies Press eBooks. 

Kozlowski, S. W. J., & Ilgen, D. R. (2006). Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Groups and Teams. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 7(3), 77–124.

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2018). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Pearson. 


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