I only require a minimum of 3 sources, but here are a list of what you should use. Please only use these too: Orderic Vitalis’ account of the battle at Bougtheroulde in 1124 Galbert of Bruges’ account in “The Murder of Charles the Good” – https://www.fulcrum.org/concern/monographs/bv73c077q S. Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, 1066-1135 (1994) S. Morillo, ‘Hastings: an unusual battle’, in The Battle of Hastings, ed. S. Morillo (1996) M. Strickland, War and chivalry : the conduct and perception of war in England and Normandy, 1066-1217 (1996)


I only require a minimum of 3 sources, but here are a list of what you should use. Please only use these too:

Orderic Vitalis’ account of the battle at Bougtheroulde in 1124

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I only require a minimum of 3 sources, but here are a list of what you should use. Please only use these too: Orderic Vitalis’ account of the battle at Bougtheroulde in 1124 Galbert of Bruges’ account in “The Murder of Charles the Good” – https://www.fulcrum.org/concern/monographs/bv73c077q S. Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, 1066-1135 (1994) S. Morillo, ‘Hastings: an unusual battle’, in The Battle of Hastings, ed. S. Morillo (1996) M. Strickland, War and chivalry : the conduct and perception of war in England and Normandy, 1066-1217 (1996)
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Galbert of Bruges’ account in “The Murder of Charles the Good” – https://www.fulcrum.org/concern/monographs/bv73c077q

S. Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, 1066-1135 (1994)

S. Morillo, ‘Hastings: an unusual battle’, in The Battle of Hastings, ed. S. Morillo (1996)

M. Strickland, War and chivalry : the conduct and perception of war in England and Normandy,
1066-1217 (1996)

R. Rogers, Latin Siege Warfare in the Twelfth Century (1992)

J.F. Powers, A Society Organized for War: The Iberian Municipal Militias in the Central Middle Ages,
1000-1284 (1988): esp. ch 1 (1000-1157); on line at http://libro.uca.edu/socwar/war.htm
or Powers’ more technical articles on organisation & devp’t of Aragonese & Castilian urban militias
in Traditio, 26 (1970): 91-111, in Speculum 46 (1971): 641-655 [both on JSTOR] & in R.I. Burns, ed., The Worlds of Alfonso the Learned & James the Conqueror (1985) [Libro website]

N. Hooper & M. Bennett, The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: The Middle Ages (1996)

R.C. Smail, Crusading Warfare, 1097-1193, 2nd ed. (1995) [w/ bibliographical update by Ch. Marshall]


Warfare in the Middle Ages: Perspectives from Historical Accounts


The Middle Ages were marked by numerous conflicts and battles that shaped the political and social landscapes of Europe. This essay aims to explore warfare during this period by examining primary sources and scholarly works. Specifically, it will focus on the Battle at Bougtheroulde in 1124, as described by Orderic Vitalis, and Galbert of Bruges’ account of “The Murder of Charles the Good.” Additionally, it will incorporate insights from S. Morillo’s book “Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, 1066-1135” and M. Strickland’s work “War and Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War in England and Normandy, 1066-1217.”


Orderic Vitalis’ account of the Battle at Bougtheroulde in 1124

   Orderic Vitalis, a medieval chronicler, provides a detailed account of the Battle at Bougtheroulde. His narrative offers valuable insights into the military tactics, strategies, and political motivations of the parties involved in the conflict (Internet History Sourcebooks: Medieval Sourcebook, n.d.). By analyzing this primary source, historians gain a deeper understanding of the specific events and their historical significance.

Galbert of Bruges’ account in “The Murder of Charles the Good”

   Galbert of Bruges’ account of “The Murder of Charles the Good” provides a firsthand perspective on a significant assassination during the Middle Ages (Guest, n.d.-c). Galbert’s narrative not only details the events leading up to the murder but also sheds light on the broader political and social context of the time. This primary source offers valuable insights into the motivations, power dynamics, and consequences of political violence during this period.

Morillo, “Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, 1066-1135” (1994)

Morillo’s book explores the nature of warfare under the Anglo-Norman kings in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. By analyzing military campaigns, Morillo examines the strategies, tactics, and organization of armies during this period. This scholarly work provides a comprehensive overview of military operations and their impact on society, shedding light on the evolution of warfare during the Middle Ages.

Strickland, “War and Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War in England and Normandy, 1066-1217” (1996)

   In his book, M. Strickland delves into the conduct and perception of war in England and Normandy during the eleventh and twelfth centuries (War And Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War In . . ., n.d.). By exploring chivalric ideals and their influence on military practices, Strickland uncovers the cultural and social aspects of warfare during this period. This scholarly work offers a nuanced understanding of how societal values shaped the conduct and perception of war in medieval Europe.


By examining primary sources such as Orderic Vitalis’ account of the Battle at Bougtheroulde and Galbert of Bruges’ narrative on “The Murder of Charles the Good,” and incorporating insights from S. Morillo’s and M. Strickland’s works, we gain a multifaceted understanding of warfare in the Middle Ages. These sources provide valuable historical perspectives on military tactics, political motivations, societal values, and the impact of warfare on medieval society. By exploring these accounts, historians can reconstruct the complex dynamics and realities of warfare during this fascinating period in European history.


 Guest. (n.d.-c). Journal of Medieval Military History~Vol. 4 – PDFCOFFEE.COM. pdfcoffee.com. https://pdfcoffee.com/journal-of-medieval-military-historyvol-4-pdf-free.html

Internet History Sourcebooks: Medieval Sourcebook. (n.d.). https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/orderic.asp 

War and Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War in . . .. (n.d.). Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/3156709 


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