Video summary: students must complete a summary paper consisting of written summaries of each video 10 videos; students should write all 10 summaries in a single Word document, with each summary in a separate section titled Video 1, Video 2, etc., length – approx. half page per video no required format, just a brief summary of the video content

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Case Report format:

  • students must complete a case report of a case selected from the FCPA section of the SEC website; a link is provided on the course website (this case relates to Ch. 4)
  • follow the format of the sample case report, must use Word format, length approx. 1-2 pages

Video summary:

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Video summary: students must complete a summary paper consisting of written summaries of each video 10 videos; students should write all 10 summaries in a single Word document, with each summary in a separate section titled Video 1, Video 2, etc., length – approx. half page per video no required format, just a brief summary of the video content
Just from $13/Page
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  • students must complete a summary paper consisting of written summaries of each video
  • 10 videos; students should write all 10 summaries in a single Word document, with each summary in a separate section titled Video 1, Video 2, etc., length – approx. half page per video
  • no required format, just a brief summary of the video content

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