Part 1 Review the Photo of the fire. Do you think it was an accident or on purpose. How important is it to fully investigate a fire. If you were an arsonist how would you have set this fire and what would you expect as an outcome . Do you think that you could get away with it? Why? Where did it start? Explain in detail how you would go about destroying this property, what methods would you use and what would you do after the fire was set. Do you have any regard for the people who may be inside or would you warn them somehow. What steps would you expect fire investigators to use to find you.

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There are 2 parts to this Please indicate as Part 1 and 2
Part 1
Review the Photo of the fire. Do you think it was an accident or on purpose. How important is it to fully investigate a fire. If you were an arsonist how would you have set this fire and what would you expect as an outcome . Do you think that you could get away with it? Why? Where did it start?
Explain in detail how you would go about destroying this property, what methods would you use and what would you do after the fire was set. Do you have any regard for the people who may be inside or would you warn them somehow. What steps would you expect fire investigators to use to find you.
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Part 2
Read about the “Station Night Club” fire in West Warwick RI February 2003. Review the reports, newspaper reports and media coverage.
Write a report on what you have learned about this incident ,cause and origin and how could it have been prevented. You should have an introduction ,body and conclusion
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Part 1 Review the Photo of the fire. Do you think it was an accident or on purpose. How important is it to fully investigate a fire. If you were an arsonist how would you have set this fire and what would you expect as an outcome . Do you think that you could get away with it? Why? Where did it start? Explain in detail how you would go about destroying this property, what methods would you use and what would you do after the fire was set. Do you have any regard for the people who may be inside or would you warn them somehow. What steps would you expect fire investigators to use to find you.
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