As a social media manager, you will need to know which platform(s) will benefit your company. Analyze LinkedIn and YouTube. For each platform, examine items such as which consumer segments are using each platform, the type of products that should be used on each platform, the type of company that should use each platform, and the type of advertising message, etc. Justify your response.


Discussion 1:

Will LinkedIn and YouTube benefit your company?

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As a social media manager, you will need to know which platform(s) will benefit your company. Analyze LinkedIn and YouTube. For each platform, examine items such as which consumer segments are using each platform, the type of products that should be used on each platform, the type of company that should use each platform, and the type of advertising message, etc. Justify your response.
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  • As a social media manager, you will need to know which platform(s) will benefit your company. Analyze LinkedIn and YouTube. For each platform, examine items such as which consumer segments are using each platform, the type of products that should be used on each platform, the type of company that should use each platform, and the type of advertising message, etc. Justify your response.
  • Analyze whether or not LinkedIn and YouTube would benefit your chosen company. Why do you think your chosen platform is the best for your business? Provide justification and rationale for your response.

Discussion 2:

Which social media platform has the biggest impact?

  • Out of the seven (7) platforms that we covered, which platform has had the biggest impact for the business of your choice, and why do you think that was the case? Justify your response.
  • It could be argued that Facebook is the current trend setter and leader as a social media platform for marketing. Of the other six (6) social media discussed so far, which social media platform do you think will be the one to replace Facebook one day? Why do you think this?

Discussion 3:

Goals of a blog

  • Your company has decided to start a blog for their customers. What are three (3) must-haves for a company blog? Why have you decided upon these must-haves? Justify your response.
  • Some businesses have transferred from using the traditional blogs and are now creating vlogs (video blogs). Create a 1–2 minute video to serve as a vlog for your business.
    • Information on creating a vlog:
      • Blackboard has a video capturing application that you can install and use called Kaltura CaptureSpace Desktop Recorder (Kaltura for short). It may be easiest to submit your vlog in this discussion board by using this application. It is found by clicking on Insert Mashup option in your text editor box, then selecting Kaltura Media. For a help document that demonstrates installing and making a video using the Kaltura CaptureSpace Desktop Reorder click here.
      • You may use an iPad, cellphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record your vlog discussion response but you will need to upload to the Kaltura Media site before you can submit it. The help video (above) will also demonstrate uploading a non-Kaltura recorded video.
      • Note: Your video must be professional and of good marketing quality.
      • ANSWER

      • Discussion 1: Will LinkedIn and YouTube benefit your company?

        In determining whether LinkedIn and YouTube would benefit a company, it is essential to analyze the characteristics and advantages of each platform. Let’s examine the consumer segments, suitable products, company types, and advertising messages for both platforms.

        LinkedIn is a professional networking platform primarily used by professionals, job seekers, and businesses. It offers a unique opportunity for companies to connect with professionals in their industry and establish B2B relationships. LinkedIn is particularly valuable for companies in the business-to-business (B2B) sector, professional services, and recruiting industries. It allows for targeted advertising to reach specific professional demographics, such as job titles, industries, and skill sets.

        The types of products that are well-suited for LinkedIn are those that cater to professionals and businesses. This includes software, professional services, business consulting, and job listings (14 LinkedIn Profile Summaries That We Love (and How to Boost Your Own), n.d.). The advertising messages on LinkedIn should focus on the value proposition for professionals and how the product or service can enhance their career or business.

        YouTube, on the other hand, is a video-sharing platform with a vast user base and diverse content. It appeals to a wide range of consumer segments and offers a more casual and entertaining experience compared to LinkedIn. YouTube is beneficial for companies that want to leverage video content to engage with their audience, demonstrate products or services, and build brand awareness.

        YouTube is suitable for companies in various industries, including e-commerce, media and entertainment, travel, and beauty. The platform allows for creative storytelling through videos, tutorials, product demonstrations, and customer testimonials. Advertising on YouTube can be highly effective, especially with the ability to target specific demographics, interests, and search queries.

        When considering which platform is best for a particular business, it depends on the company’s goals, target audience, and the nature of their products or services. LinkedIn is advantageous for companies focused on professional networking, B2B relationships, and recruiting talent. On the other hand, YouTube is ideal for businesses seeking to engage a broader audience through visually compelling video content.

        In summary, both LinkedIn and YouTube can benefit a company, but the choice depends on the company’s objectives and target audience. LinkedIn is valuable for B2B companies and professional networking, while YouTube offers a broader reach and allows for creative video content.

        Discussion 2: Which social media platform has the biggest impact?

        Among the seven platforms discussed, the platform that has had the biggest impact for my chosen business is Instagram. Instagram’s visual nature and extensive user base make it an effective platform for showcasing products, building brand identity, and engaging with the target audience.

        Instagram’s focus on visual content, including photos and videos, aligns well with businesses that have visually appealing products or services. For example, in the fashion industry, Instagram provides a platform for brands to showcase their latest collections, collaborate with influencers, and drive sales through visual storytelling.

        Additionally, Instagram’s features like Stories, IGTV, and Reels offer versatile ways to engage with followers and create interactive content. Companies can leverage these features to share behind-the-scenes footage, product tutorials, customer testimonials, and user-generated content.

        Instagram’s popularity among younger demographics, including millennials and Gen Z, is another reason for its significant impact. These demographics have significant purchasing power and are highly active on social media. By establishing a strong presence on Instagram, businesses can tap into this influential consumer segment and build brand loyalty.

        Regarding the platform that could potentially replace Facebook in the future, TikTok emerges as a strong contender. TikTok has rapidly gained popularity, particularly among younger audiences, with its short-form video content and creative features. It has become a hub for viral trends, challenges, and influencer marketing.

        TikTok’s algorithmic content discovery and personalized recommendations have contributed to its explosive growth. As users increasingly seek authentic and entertaining content, TikTok provides an engaging and immersive experience (Arlia, 2022). Its potential for advertising and brand partnerships makes it a viable platform for businesses looking to reach younger demographics in a unique and interactive way.

        While it is challenging to predict the future accurately, TikTok’s growth trajectory and ability to capture the attention of younger audiences position it as a potential successor to Facebook’s dominance in the social media landscape.

        Discussion 3: Goals of a blog

        When starting a company blog, there are three must-haves that can contribute to its success and effectiveness:

         Valuable and Relevant Content: A company blog must provide valuable and relevant content to its target audience. This means creating content that addresses the audience’s pain points, offers solutions, educates, and entertains (WriterZen, n.d.). By delivering high-quality and informative content, the blog establishes the company as a trusted resource and builds credibility within the industry.

        Consistency and Regular Updates: To keep readers engaged and encourage return visits, a company blog should maintain a consistent posting schedule and provide regular updates. Consistency demonstrates the company’s commitment to delivering valuable content and helps build a loyal readership. Additionally, regular updates ensure that the blog remains current and relevant, increasing its visibility in search engine rankings.

        Interaction and Engagement: A successful company blog fosters interaction and engagement with its audience. This can be achieved through features like comments sections, social sharing buttons, and calls-to-action that encourage readers to provide feedback, share the content, or take desired actions. Interaction and engagement create a sense of community, encourage reader loyalty, and provide valuable insights for the company.

        These must-haves are crucial for a company blog because they contribute to its effectiveness in attracting and engaging the target audience. By offering valuable content, maintaining consistency, and fostering interaction, the blog can serve as a valuable marketing tool, driving traffic, establishing thought leadership, and ultimately converting readers into customers.


        14 LinkedIn Profile Summaries That We Love (And How to Boost Your Own). (n.d.). 

        Arlia, Z. (2022, February 23). TikTok’s Takeover Of Marketing And Commerce In 2022. Forbes. 

        WriterZen. (n.d.). Why Does Your Business Need a Content Marketing Strategy? 

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