Your articles should present physical(acoustic, aerodynamic, physiological) measures of speech (i.e.,not just phonetic transcription) and/or require an understanding of experimental methods and current theory in speech perception and production.

Table of Contents


Your articles should present physical(acoustic, aerodynamic, physiological) measures of speech (i.e.,not just phonetic transcription) and/or require an understanding of experimental methods and current theory in speech perception and production.
Your final paper should be written as a connected paper consisting of:
1) An introduction to your topic.
2) Summaries of the articles, noting differences in experimental methodology, data analysis, authors’ interpretations
of their findings, etc.
3) Your critique of the articles and your general conclusions based on what you have read.
Critiques should be thoughtful and show an understanding of methodological issues. As part of summing up the topic, you might suggest additionnal experiments or evidence that would shed more light on the subject.
4) A full bibliography, formatted according to the APA Manual.
The articles to be used are attached in the file below


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Your articles should present physical(acoustic, aerodynamic, physiological) measures of speech (i.e.,not just phonetic transcription) and/or require an understanding of experimental methods and current theory in speech perception and production.
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