Research paper For your term paper you will choose any aspect of art or architecture in the West from 300 to 1400 CE. Do NOT chose a single work of art or monument unless you are planning to compare other monuments to it. (Ex. Justinian and Theodora mosaics at San Vitale, but in the context of Imperial portraits in mosaics and their location and function.) If instead you are working with a particular theme in Medieval art, make sure to choose at least one case study to examine in your paper (ex. Gold working in Medieval France and the St. Foix reliquary).

Research paper
For your term paper you will choose any aspect of art or architecture in the West from 300 to 1400 CE. Do NOT chose a single work of art or monument unless you are planning to compare other monuments to it. (Ex. Justinian and Theodora mosaics at San Vitale, but in the context of Imperial portraits in mosaics and their location and function.) If instead you are working with a particular theme in Medieval art, make sure to choose at least one case study to examine in your paper (ex. Gold working in Medieval France and the St. Foix reliquary).

Once you have settled on your subject, try to find out as much about it as possible. Keep in mind that you can find information not only in monographs, but also in exhibition catalogs. In addition to the library on-line catalog, databases available on the Andruss Library webpage to search for articles on your artist and monument or image. Also give an eye to the bibliographies in the books that you read for other ideas. Students often begin their research on the Internet, but remember that the information presented on the Web can sometimes be vague generalizations or even incorrect.

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Research paper For your term paper you will choose any aspect of art or architecture in the West from 300 to 1400 CE. Do NOT chose a single work of art or monument unless you are planning to compare other monuments to it. (Ex. Justinian and Theodora mosaics at San Vitale, but in the context of Imperial portraits in mosaics and their location and function.) If instead you are working with a particular theme in Medieval art, make sure to choose at least one case study to examine in your paper (ex. Gold working in Medieval France and the St. Foix reliquary).
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You must meet with me during the week of to discuss your research. You must bring your preliminary bibliography with you. You must have at least SIX scholarly sources (books, journal articles, catalogs). You are allowed to use only ONE internet source, and it cannot be Wikipedia or any other internet encyclopedia.

The paper should be double-spaced, 12-font, Times New Roman, justified and with 1” margins. The paper must be a minimum of 2200 words. Please include a bibliography of the readings you consulted. Images should be placed after the text and before the bibliography. The paper format is below.

The paper must be fully cited with in-text citations (parentheticals). Keep in mind that not only quotations from sources should be cited, but also any ideas that are not your own must be cited as well. Internet material must also be cited. When you write your paper DO NOT quote any secondary source. If you cite a source for your research, you must PARAPHRASE it (rewrite it in your own words) and mark with an in-text citation to indicate where you got the information. You may not use my lectures or the textbook as a source. A document showing how to cite works is included in this packet, and we will go over this in class at a later date.

I will accept paper drafts for review and critique until . No drafts will be accepted after that date. You must bring a hard copy to class if you want me to read the draft.

You will turn in a hard copy of your paper on, and must also submit an electronic version to BOLT which will be checked by Turnitin. Make sure you print your paper in color, nor black and white.

Presentation of Research
During the last two classes of the semester and the final exam period each student will present their research in an oral presentation to the class with power point presentation. The presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long – more information will follow as the semester progresses.

Late papers will be marked down 5 points for every 24 hours they are late. No papers will be accepted after Monday, May 4th without discussing the reason for the delay with me in advance.

Paper Organization

The paper should be organized as follows:

1. Cover Page containing:
a. your name
b. the course number and name
c. the semester and year
d. title of your paper
e. a cover photograph

2. The text of the paper. NO images should be included in this section. Refer to the images in your paper with (Fig. 1) (Fig. 2), etc., at the end of the sentence in which you introduce it (always in parentheses and before the period at the end of the sentence).

Ex: David Composing the Psalms, a full-page illustration in the Paris Psalter, is a tenth century illumination demonstrating the use of personifications (Fig. 1).

Titles of works (the Crucifixion), ­(the Charlemagne Window), (the Beau Dieu) are in italics. Monuments and physical objects (Cathedral of Orvieto), (Reliquary of St. Andrew), (the Paris Psalter) are not in italics.

3. A section cover paper with the word “Illustrations” minus the quotation marks

4. The illustrations for your paper. Each illustration should be identified with the following:
a. the figure number in the text
b. the author of the work, if known
c. the name of the work in italics, unless it is a monument or object
d. the date of its production
e. the place of its production, if known
f. its current location if other than e or in a museum
g. if a manuscript folio, the manuscript catalog number and folio number. (this info is always included in scholarly publications)

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