You may use your course textbook and provided PowerPoint slides to answer the exam questions. Any other materials (for example: Google searches, other textbooks, articles, other people, etc.) are prohibited. Evidence of the use of any materials beyond your course textbook and provided PowerPoint slides will result in a zero on this exam and could also result in charges of academic misconduct.

Table of Contents


Read all instructions carefully prior to beginning your exam. There are 15 questions: questions 1-5 come from Chapter 12; questions 6-9 come from Chapter 13; questions 10-12 come from Chapter 14; questions 13-14 come from Chapter 18; and question 15 comes from the class presentations. Type your responses directly in the text box below each question. If you need more space than is provided, continue your answer at the end of the exam. Note which question you are answering.

You may use your course textbook and provided PowerPoint slides to answer the exam questions. Any other materials (for example: Google searches, other textbooks, articles, other people, etc.) are prohibited. Evidence of the use of any materials beyond your course textbook and provided PowerPoint slides will result in a zero on this exam and could also result in charges of academic misconduct.

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You may use your course textbook and provided PowerPoint slides to answer the exam questions. Any other materials (for example: Google searches, other textbooks, articles, other people, etc.) are prohibited. Evidence of the use of any materials beyond your course textbook and provided PowerPoint slides will result in a zero on this exam and could also result in charges of academic misconduct.
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Answer the questions in your own words and according to the course material. Do not copy answers directly (word-for-word) out of the book. Even if you properly cite a direct quote, no credit will be awarded because the instructions are to answer in your own words. Unless a question indicates it is an opinion question, there is a correct answer based on the course readings and/or PowerPoint slides. Responses that do not reflect the course material will not receive credit. You are not required to cite material from the textbook or slides. It is understood that is where information is coming from.


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