The final case study paper should cover 4 sections including an overview of the company and its competitive landscape along with 3 other sections addressing specific issues, problems, or strategies the company is facing. Each section should be 1.5 – 2.0 pages (4 sections X 1.5 – 2.0 pages = 6 – 8 pages). The evaluation of the final case study paper is based on how well students apply the course concepts and ideas to the company they have selected.



The company you need to work on is “SunPower Corporation”

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The final case study paper should cover 4 sections including an overview of the company and its competitive landscape along with 3 other sections addressing specific issues, problems, or strategies the company is facing. Each section should be 1.5 – 2.0 pages (4 sections X 1.5 – 2.0 pages = 6 – 8 pages). The evaluation of the final case study paper is based on how well students apply the course concepts and ideas to the company they have selected.
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The final case study paper should cover 4 sections including an overview of the company and its competitive landscape along with 3 other sections addressing specific issues, problems, or strategies the company is facing. Each section should be 1.5 – 2.0 pages (4 sections X 1.5 – 2.0 pages = 6 – 8 pages). The evaluation of the final case study paper is based on how well students apply the course concepts and ideas to the company they have selected.

Submission Details:

6-8 pages (double-spaced).

Use the complete APA style of writing including a title page with running head, abstract, body, and reference list

I have also attached:

1. Sample case study

2.Case study instructions document

3. SunPower Corporation paper outline


 SunPower Corporation: Navigating the Competitive Landscape and Strategic Challenges


This case study explores SunPower Corporation, a leading solar energy company, and its competitive landscape. It analyzes the company’s position within the industry and identifies three key issues and strategies that SunPower is currently facing. The paper examines how SunPower is addressing these challenges and applies relevant course concepts to provide insights and recommendations. The analysis highlights the importance of innovation, market expansion, and sustainability in SunPower’s strategic decision-making process.


Company Overview

Competitive Landscape Analysis

Issue 1: Technological Innovation and Differentiation

Current Technological Landscape

SunPower’s Technological Advancements

Applying Course Concepts: Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Recommendations for SunPower

 Issue 2: Market Expansion and Global Reach

SunPower’s Market Positioning

Challenges in International Expansion

Applying Course Concepts: Market Entry Strategies

Recommendations for SunPower

Issue 3: Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

SunPower’s Commitment to Sustainability

Environmental Challenges and Opportunities

Applying Course Concepts: Triple Bottom Line

Recommendations for SunPower


Recap of Key Findings

Final Recommendations

Implications for SunPower’s Future Success


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