Part B is only one company and not two. The company is Coca-Cola. Focus only on the balance sheets and income statements.of Coca-Cola company 2017, 2018, and 2019. I started doing it in excel already but have to go to work so you can continue. Only data from the balance sheet and income statement. As I said, I started doing it on the excel sheet already so I attached it for you to continue

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This is a project with clear instruction. You are only going to focus on one company instead of two companies which makes it easier. The company must be Coca Cola.

The Assignment is broken down into parts that are very short. I am just interested in the main aspect.

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Part B is only one company and not two. The company is Coca-Cola. Focus only on the balance sheets and income statements.of Coca-Cola company 2017, 2018, and 2019. I started doing it in excel already but have to go to work so you can continue. Only data from the balance sheet and income statement. As I said, I started doing it on the excel sheet already so I attached it for you to continue
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Part A that has to do with the company’s background is done already so don’t bother with it.
Part B is only one company and not two. The company is Coca-Cola. Focus only on the balance sheets and income statements.of Coca-Cola company 2017, 2018, and 2019. I started doing it in excel already but have to go to work so you can continue. Only data from the balance sheet and income statement. As I said, I started doing it on the excel sheet already so I attached it for you to continue

The main work is the company analysis and summary of any significant things observed. The economic outlook of the company.


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