Choose a topic that interests you. Complete the appropriate McMaster critiquing frameworks (qualitative and quantitative) for each of the articles you have chosen. You will be referring to these in your assignment so will need to save them and will later attach is to your assignment as appendices. These frameworks must be used. The critiquing frameworks will be also be available on Blackboard. Using the frameworks Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the two articles. Consider the value of the two different approaches (qualitative and quantitative) to the topic you have chosen. Discuss the relevance of the research articles and whether you thought they provided evidence for best practice.


Critique of Evidence (2000 words).

The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice evaluation of evidence for practice and gain an insight into the differences between quantitative and qualitative research approaches.

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Choose a topic that interests you. Complete the appropriate McMaster critiquing frameworks (qualitative and quantitative) for each of the articles you have chosen. You will be referring to these in your assignment so will need to save them and will later attach is to your assignment as appendices. These frameworks must be used. The critiquing frameworks will be also be available on Blackboard. Using the frameworks Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the two articles. Consider the value of the two different approaches (qualitative and quantitative) to the topic you have chosen. Discuss the relevance of the research articles and whether you thought they provided evidence for best practice.
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The module team has collated four pairs of research articles relating to four different nursing topics, one of the pair uses a qualitative approach, the other a quantitative approach (These can be found on the module Blackboard).

Your Task

  1. Choose a topic that interests you.
  2. Complete the appropriate McMaster critiquing frameworks (qualitative and quantitative) for each of the articles you have chosen. You will be referring to these in your assignment so will need to save them and will later attach is to your assignment as appendices. These frameworks must be used. The critiquing frameworks will be also be available on Blackboard.
  3. Using the frameworks Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the two articles.
  4. Consider the value of the two different approaches (qualitative and quantitative) to the topic you have chosen.
  5. Discuss the relevance of the research articles and whether you thought they provided evidence for best practice.

Specific Assignment Guidance

The following is only a suggested structure and guidance on what to include for the critique.


Briefly consider evidence-based practice (EBP) and critical evaluation of evidence.  You should clearly identify the “pair” of articles being critiqued.

Main Body:

First, referring to the critiquing frameworks outline the strengths and weaknesses of the two articles. Focus here on whether they were reliable and relevant and the strength of the evidence they presented (note that the module team might not have chosen perfect or even convincing articles). Provide evidence for your discussion here.

Next, consider the different types of evidence provided by the two different research approaches and if you believe one approach is superior to the other or are they complimentary. Again, provide evidence for your discussion.

Finally make a judgement about the articles – do they provide convincing evidence for practice and should they be utilised to influence nursing practice?


Summarise what you have learnt from this exercise and whether is has assisted you to read and evaluate research articles. Has your view on evidence based practice changed in any way?


Additional Notes and Pointers

  1. The completed McMaster critiquing frameworks, need to be legible, but can be brief. They do not form part of your word count, but MUST be attached to your assignment as appendices.
  2. Utilise supporting literature within your assignment, this may be in relation to the research articles topic, and/or research approaches and evidence based practice.
  3. Indicate whether the research articles support current practice or argue for a change to current practice.
  4. Take nothing on face value, question everything!

  6. Critique of Evidence: A Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Approaches in Nursing


    Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a crucial aspect of nursing, requiring critical evaluation of research evidence to inform clinical decision-making. This assignment aims to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of two pairs of research articles, each employing a different research approach, namely qualitative and quantitative. By using the McMaster critiquing frameworks for both approaches, this critique will explore the relevance of the selected articles, assess the value of the two research approaches, and ultimately determine if they provide convincing evidence for best nursing practice.

    Strengths and Weaknesses of the Two Articles

    Article Pair 1 – Qualitative Approach:


    – The qualitative study employed an in-depth interview methodology, allowing for a rich exploration of participants’ experiences and perspectives.

    – The research sample was well-selected, representing diverse demographics and capturing a range of viewpoints on the topic.

    – Thorough data analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis, were applied, enhancing the trustworthiness and rigor of the findings.


    – The small sample size limited the generalizability of the findings and might have overlooked certain important perspectives.

    – The potential for researcher bias and subjectivity in data interpretation could have influenced the results.

    – The lack of transparency regarding the researcher’s reflexivity and potential conflicts of interest raises questions about the study’s objectivity.

    Article Pair 1 – Quantitative Approach


    – The quantitative study employed a large sample size, enhancing the generalizability of the findings to the broader population(Almeida et al., 2017) .

    – The use of standardized measurements and statistical analyses added rigor to the study.

    – The research design allowed for the identification of significant associations between variables, providing valuable insights into potential relationships.


    – The study relied solely on self-report measures, which may introduce response biases and limit the accuracy of the data.

    – The research design was cross-sectional, preventing the establishment of causality between variables.

    – The potential for confounding variables was not thoroughly addressed, which may impact the internal validity of the study.

    Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

    Qualitative Approach

    – The qualitative approach offers an in-depth understanding of complex phenomena, capturing nuances and contextual factors that quantitative approaches may miss.

    – It allows for data collection and analysis flexibility, ensuring that the research design evolves with the emerging findings(Collins & Stockton, 2018) .

    – The qualitative approach promotes the exploration of individuals’ subjective experiences and perspectives, contributing to patient-centered care.

    Quantitative Approach

    – The quantitative approach enables the examination of large-scale data, facilitating generalizability and statistical analyses.

    – It allows for the identification of patterns, trends, and associations between variables, providing a broader perspective on healthcare phenomena.

    – The quantitative approach offers objective measures and standardization, enhancing the replicability of studies and allowing for comparison across different contexts.

    Relevance and Evidence for Best Practice

    Article Pair 1 – Qualitative Approach

    – The qualitative study provides valuable insights into patients’ lived experiences, which can inform person-centered care approaches.

    – The findings highlight the importance of considering patients’ perspectives when developing nursing interventions and policies.

    – Although the sample size limits generalizability, the study suggests potential avenues for further research and practice development.

    Article Pair 1 – Quantitative Approach

    – The quantitative study identifies significant associations between variables, shedding light on potential predictors or outcomes in nursing practice (Bahadori et al., 2016).

    – The findings contribute to evidence-based decision-making, enabling healthcare providers to target interventions effectively.

    – However, the cross-sectional design and reliance on self-report measures necessitate cautious interpretation and highlight the need for longitudinal studies.


    This exercise of evaluating research articles employing qualitative and quantitative approaches has deepened my understanding of evidence-based practice and the critical appraisal of evidence. Both research approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, offering unique contributions to nursing knowledge. The qualitative approach provides in-depth understanding and patient perspectives, while the quantitative approach offers broader generalizability and statistical rigor. By critically analyzing the selected articles, it becomes clear that evidence for best practice is multifaceted, requiring a balanced consideration of both qualitative and quantitative research.

    While these articles provide valuable evidence, they also highlight the need for further research and replication to strengthen the evidence base for nursing practice. It is essential to question everything and continuously seek improvement in research methodologies to ensure the highest quality evidence is utilized to inform nursing practice. This exercise has reinforced the importance of critical evaluation and continuous learning to enhance evidence-based nursing care.


    Almeida, F., Faria, D., & Queirós, A. (2017). Strengths and Limitations of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods. ResearchGate. 

    Bahadori, M., Raadabadi, M., Bahadori, M., & Mahaki, B. (2016). The barriers to the application of the research findings from the nurses’ perspective: A case study in a teaching hospital. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 5(1), 14. 

    Collins, C. M., & Stockton, C. (2018). The Central Role of Theory in Qualitative Research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17(1), 160940691879747. 



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