Choosing an Organization The organization you choose for this assignment must be one for which sufficient information is available to allow you to reflect on interagency collaboration at a local, state, or national level. Because the course assignments will focus on this organization, read the assignments now to ensure that the organization you select will work for each assignment.
For this assignment, you will select a nonprofit, for-profit, or government human services organization for the focus of your course assignments. You will also select a theoretical approach to guide you as you examine the work of this organization.
You will present your selections in a well-written essay with peer-reviewed theoretical and practitioner support cited and referenced.
Choosing an Organization
The organization you choose for this assignment must be one for which sufficient information is available to allow you to reflect on interagency collaboration at a local, state, or national level. Because the course assignments will focus on this organization, read the assignments now to ensure that the organization you select will work for each assignment.
You may choose an organization from the following list or use another organization with the approval of your instructor.
- American Red Cross (local chapter).
- Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts (local organization).
- Boys and Girls Clubs of America (local organization).
- Catholic Community Services (local chapter).
- Department of Army, Navy, or Air Force mental health or social services program.
- Aurora Healthcare, Kaiser Permanente Healthcare, or other similar large state or regional health care system, mental health, or social services program.
- Lutheran Social Services (local chapter).
- State or county mental health program.
- State or county public health or prevention program.
- Veterans Administration mental health or social services program.
- Veterans Administration vet centers.
Choosing a Theoretical Approach
You may select one of the following theoretical approaches as described in the course textbook or choose another leadership theoretical approach with the approval of your instructor.
- Behavioral theory.
- Path-goal theory.
- Leader-member exchange theory.
- Transformational leadership.
- Authentic leadership.
- Servant leadership.
- Adaptive leadership.
Assignment Requirements
Your paper must include:
- An overview of the organization you selected, including its mission, vision, values, and target population.
- An overview of the leadership theory you selected as it relates to contemporary and future human service organizational management.
- An introduction to the application of a leadership theory to organizational management in a multidisciplinary human services organization.
- An evaluation of the value of the selected leadership theory in application to the selected organization.
- A summary or conclusions about the value of leadership theory in application to organizational management in general.
Additional Requirements
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Headings that define the sections of the paper, resources, and citations are formatted according to current edition APA style and formatting.
- References: Include at least one academic reference per page, including the course textbook as one of the reference sources.
- Length of paper: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page and references.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Applying Leadership Theory to Organizational Management: A Case Study of the American Red Cross
In this essay, we will explore the application of leadership theory to organizational management within a multidisciplinary human services organization. The organization selected for this analysis is the American Red Cross, a well-known nonprofit organization with a mission to alleviate human suffering in emergencies, provide support to military families, and promote health and safety. The theoretical approach chosen for examination is transformational leadership, which emphasizes inspiring and motivating followers to achieve their full potential. We will evaluate the value of transformational leadership theory in the context of the American Red Cross and draw conclusions about the broader applicability of leadership theory in organizational management.
Overview of the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross, established in 1881, is a humanitarian organization guided by principles of impartiality, neutrality, and voluntary service (Mission & Values, n.d.). Its mission is to prevent and alleviate human suffering by mobilizing volunteers and providing assistance during emergencies, such as natural disasters, conflicts, and public health crises. The organization’s vision is to create a more resilient and compassionate society, and its core values include compassion, collaboration, integrity, diversity, and inclusion. The American Red Cross serves a diverse target population, ranging from disaster-affected individuals and families to military personnel and veterans.
Overview of Transformational Leadership Theory
Transformational leadership theory, as defined by Bass and Riggio (2006), focuses on leaders who inspire and motivate followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes. It involves four key components: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Transformational leaders serve as role models, set high expectations, stimulate creativity and innovation, and provide individualized support and guidance to their followers. This approach fosters a shared vision, empowers followers, and encourages personal growth and development.
Application of Transformational Leadership to Organizational Management
In a multidisciplinary human services organization like the American Red Cross, transformational leadership theory can play a vital role in guiding effective organizational management. By embodying the organization’s mission, vision, and values, leaders can create a compelling sense of purpose and commitment among staff and volunteers (Birasnav, 2014). They can inspire others to embrace the organization’s goals and values, fostering a shared understanding of the importance of their work in alleviating human suffering.
Transformational leadership theory also facilitates collaboration and teamwork within the organization. By providing inspirational motivation, leaders can encourage staff and volunteers to work together towards a common goal. They can stimulate creativity and innovation, promoting adaptive responses to emerging challenges in the human services sector. By practicing individualized consideration, leaders can support and develop the diverse talents and abilities of their team members, promoting personal and professional growth.
Evaluation of Transformational Leadership in the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross can greatly benefit from the application of transformational leadership theory. The organization operates in complex and high-stakes environments, requiring leaders who can inspire and motivate individuals and teams to perform at their best. By adopting a transformational leadership approach, the American Red Cross leaders can effectively communicate the organization’s mission and vision to its diverse workforce, fostering a strong sense of commitment and dedication.
Transformational leadership theory is particularly relevant in the context of the American Red Cross’s disaster response efforts. During emergencies, leaders who inspire and motivate volunteers and staff are essential in mobilizing resources, coordinating relief operations, and providing effective support to affected communities. By stimulating intellectual stimulation, leaders can encourage innovative approaches to disaster response, enabling the organization to adapt to evolving challenges and improve its effectiveness.
Value of Leadership Theory in Organizational Management
The application of leadership theory, such as transformational leadership, to organizational management in the human services sector has significant value. Effective leadership is crucial in guiding human services organizations towards achieving their goals, addressing social issues, and positively impacting communities. Leadership theories provide frameworks and strategies to develop and enhance leadership skills, enabling leaders to create positive organizational cultures, inspire followers, and drive meaningful change.
In conclusion, the American Red Cross, a prominent human services organization, can greatly benefit from the application of transformational leadership theory in its organizational management. Transformational leadership provides a framework for inspiring and motivating staff and volunteers, fostering collaboration, and promoting personal growth and development. The lessons learned from the American Red Cross can be applied more broadly, emphasizing the value of leadership theory in enhancing organizational management across various human services contexts. By adopting effective leadership approaches, human services organizations can better fulfill their missions and create a lasting impact on the individuals and communities they serve.
Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership. Psychology Press.
Birasnav, M. (2014). Knowledge management and organizational performance in the service industry: The role of transformational leadership beyond the effects of transactional leadership. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1622–1629.
Mission & Values. (n.d.). American Red Cross Mission Statement.

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