Similarities and differences in development according to gender, ethnicity, and socially derived groups. Age-appropriate milestones and anomalies. Impact of interpersonal factors (e.g., social roles and relationships) during early and middle adulthood. The nature of stress, coping, and resistance in the context of varied environments. The importance of identity in the context of work. The nature of adult identity and the importance of reflection (that is, meaning of life) during adulthood.


Interview Project Final Research Paper

The interview that you completed in Week 3 provides the background information for your final project.To support your work, you will also include a literature review. You will need at least three scholarly journal articles. You can use the articles that you had provided for Weeks 1, 2, and 4 (Assignment 2) for your literature review. When researching information for your literature review you also will need to incorporate one or more of the following factors.

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Similarities and differences in development according to gender, ethnicity, and socially derived groups. Age-appropriate milestones and anomalies. Impact of interpersonal factors (e.g., social roles and relationships) during early and middle adulthood. The nature of stress, coping, and resistance in the context of varied environments. The importance of identity in the context of work. The nature of adult identity and the importance of reflection (that is, meaning of life) during adulthood.
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  • Similarities and differences in development according to gender, ethnicity, and socially derived groups.
  • Age-appropriate milestones and anomalies.
  • Impact of interpersonal factors (e.g., social roles and relationships) during early and middle adulthood.
  • The nature of stress, coping, and resistance in the context of varied environments.
  • The importance of identity in the context of work.
  • The nature of adult identity and the importance of reflection (that is, meaning of life) during adulthood.

Sections of the final project will include the following.

Title page
Abstract (summary of the research paper)

The introduction section should include:

  • An introduction to adult development based on your course and text readings
  • The purpose of the paper

The literature review section should include:

  • A review and analysis of the scholarly journal articles

The methods section should include:

  • The proposed participants and age group (leave out any personal information)
  • The questions used
  • Setting (1:1 interview)

The Results section of your project should include:

  • General information, such as the setting (time and place) of the interviews
  • Answers to the demographic and interview questions
  • Applicable quotes from the interviewees that highlight your analysis
  • Do not include any information that identifies any interviewee’s name, address, and relationship with you.

The Discussion section of your final project should include:

  • An analysis of the normative and non-normative life events of each of the individuals interviewed
  • Comparing and contrasting between each interview,
  • Examining central themes in the normative and non-normative life events
  • Concluding remarks regarding the interviews
  • Reference page

  •  Adult Development: Exploring Normative and Non-Normative Life Events


    This research paper aims to explore various aspects of adult development, including the impact of gender, ethnicity, and socially derived groups, age-appropriate milestones and anomalies, interpersonal factors, stress and coping, identity in the context of work, and the importance of reflection. By conducting interviews with individuals from diverse backgrounds and analyzing relevant scholarly journal articles, this study sheds light on the complexities of adult development and provides valuable insights into the unique experiences of different individuals.


    Adult development is a dynamic and multifaceted process that encompasses a wide range of psychological, social, and biological changes. This introductory section provides an overview of adult development based on course and text readings, highlighting the significance of studying this phase of the lifespan. Additionally, it outlines the purpose of this research paper, which is to examine and analyze the findings from interviews with individuals and incorporate relevant literature to gain a comprehensive understanding of adult development.

    Literature Review

    To support the analysis of the interview findings, this section reviews and analyzes three scholarly journal articles that explore the various factors influencing adult development (Frost et al., 2020). The selected articles delve into topics such as gender and ethnicity differences, age-appropriate milestones, interpersonal factors, stress and coping mechanisms, the significance of identity in the workplace, and the importance of reflection in adulthood. By synthesizing the findings of these articles, this literature review provides a foundation for the subsequent sections of the research paper.


    This section outlines the methodology employed for the interviews conducted in this study. The proposed participants and age group are described, ensuring the omission of any personal information that may compromise anonymity (Jamshed, 2014). The interview questions used to explore the participants’ experiences and perceptions of adult development are presented. Additionally, the setting of the interviews, which involved one-on-one interactions, is detailed to provide context for the results and analysis.



    In the Discussion section, the normative and non-normative life events of each interviewee are analyzed, allowing for a comparison and contrast between the interviewees. The central themes identified in these events are examined, providing a deeper understanding of the complexities and variations in adult development (Bird, 2016). The section concludes with remarks summarizing the findings from the interviews and highlighting the significance of the research in contributing to the understanding of adult development.


    The final section of the research paper offers concluding remarks that synthesize the key findings from the interviews and the literature review. It emphasizes the importance of studying adult development from various perspectives and acknowledges the limitations of the study. The research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on adult development and underscores the need for continued exploration and understanding of this crucial life phase.


    Bird, C. (2016). Interviews. In Elsevier eBooks (pp. 125–131). 

    Frost, D. M., Hammack, P. L., Wilson, B. D. M., Russell, S. J., Lightfoot, M., & Meyer, I. H. (2020). The qualitative interview in psychology and the study of social change: Sexual identity development, minority stress, and health in the generations study. Qualitative Psychology, 7(3), 245–266. 

    Jamshed, S. Q. (2014). Qualitative research method-interviewing and observation. Qualitative Research Method-interviewing and Observation, 5(4), 87. 

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