Conflict resolution In Chapter 10 (Moore) several coaching skills are listed and defined. Based on the nine detailed in the chapter, discuss which two you would consider to be strong in and which two you plan to work on to master. What obstacles exist?


  • In Chapter 10 (Moore) several coaching skills are listed and defined. Based on the nine detailed in the chapter, discuss which two you would consider to be strong in and which two you plan to work on to master. What obstacles exist?
  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
  • these are some of the post from my class mates just to give you examples because I don’t have the book for chapter 10
  • 1.Improving CoachingMany students attend college because, in part, they are not satisfied with their current level of skills or knowledge in their areas of interest. As a coach, the person who wants to exceed should always be willing to acknowledge areas of weakness and strive to improve. This discussion post will highlight two areas of coaching that I would like to get better at and then touch on a couple of areas that I feel I am a bit stronger in.I need to get better at mindful listening. I can listen to someone talking about something I have an interest in, but coaching is not really about the coach although the coach can learn quite a lot. I need to be less judgmental. Now, I am not talking about how many people are judgmental about, for example, the LGBT group. Nor am I talking about being judgmental against any particular race. My issue is that I almost instinctively take an opposing view when it comes to dogmatic conservatism. So, one might say I need to be less judgmental towards people who are very judgmental.If I were going to do any creative brainstorming, I would defiantly need to change my approach. I feel that the majority of brainstorming leads to a consensus of the mediocre. It might be different in a one on one situation. So, it is an area I need to improve on.I am good at the evocative inquiry. I do want to get to know more about my clients and would be truly interested in exploring the areas that I could help. I also feel that I am strong in an open-ended inquiry. I have had previous training in this area due to interviewing thousands of potential employees. I understand that the “why” question could be perceived as confrontational, but I think it has its place when searching for motives or clearing up confusing areas.ReferencesMoore, M., Jackson, E., & Tschannen-Moran, B. (2016). Coaching psychology manual (2nd ed.). China: Wolters Kluwer. 2. I believe that I am stronger in radiating compassion and expressing empathy. When it comes to radiating compassion in generative moments that’s when the coach makes the environment a judge free zone and showing their clients they can trust and be vulnerable with them. Expressing empathy is basically being understanding of another personal experience. Empathy is both emotional and cognitive awareness to connect with and give voice to what clients are feeling. I think that I am strong and these areas because as a person this is who I am and my mom raised me to always be mindful of other’s feelings and not being so quick to judge people because you never know what someone is going through. The two things I need to work on are perceptive reflection and creative brainstorming. Perceptive reflection is basically taking what the client is saying and ask them questions about it. I need to work on this because although I am listening I think that I might ask too many questions and it leaves people frustrated because I am not giving them to take it all in. Creative brainstorming isn’t something I am bad at but I definitely need to work on because sometimes I cant always come up with other ways to fix a solution and when you are dealing with different people you cant always use the same strategy, so I need to come up with better ways that will that person best so that they can find a solution. 3.There are many essential skills that every coach needs. As with any coach, they have an obligation to help those who are in need to learn. Coaches support the process of learning by helping a client find direction towards fulfilling future success. They focus on what is important, how to increase your confidence and motivate you to have a winning mindset. In coaching, how we say things is also crucial. The meaning or intention behind something can often be misconstrued depending on how we say it. We cannot assume that a person always understands the intended meaning behind our words, so communicating respectively is influential in every coaching relationship.In communication, there are almost always challenges. But facilitating effective communication improves a client’s engagement and experience. Two coaching skills I consider to be strong in is mindful listening and unfailing affirmation. Mindful listening allows for the possibilities for input to keep the conversation going and quality interaction. Just as God is our unfailing source, affirming others is practicing positive praise. I believe acknowledging the actions and work of others gives them the encouragement that we all need from time to time. There are many skills that we all can stand to improve. I plan to work on and master creative brainstorming and open-ended inquiry. I am familiar with both coaching skills, but I would like to become more helpful in those areas. Creative brainstorming assists in generating ideas. In coaching, brainstorming can be used to create solutions to the client’s needs. Evaluating the ideas at the end of the session gives the coach and client different approaches as to how to respond to a particular situation. With open-ended inquiry, I want to remain mindful of the questions that I ask a client. I do not want them to become disengaged at any moment. The goal is to uncover what the client already knows and what they want to learn. This goes back to active listening, which is very important as the coach should always be present in every session. A coach should be well prepared and gather information from their research before each session. The coaching environment should be comfortable and welcoming. Guiding the client while letting them speak is vital towards staying on topic. These skills and other tools lead the coaching sessions one step further in generating radical solutions to problems.

  • Developing Coaching Skills: Strengths and Areas for Improvement

    In Chapter 10 of the “Coaching Psychology Manual” by Moore, several coaching skills are discussed and defined. Based on the nine skills detailed in the chapter, I would consider myself strong in radiating compassion and expressing empathy. These skills come naturally to me, as I have been raised to be mindful of others’ feelings and to avoid quick judgments. Radiating compassion creates a non-judgmental environment where clients feel safe and can be vulnerable. Expressing empathy involves understanding and connecting with clients on an emotional and cognitive level.

    However, there are two coaching skills that I plan to work on to master: perceptive reflection and creative brainstorming. Perceptive reflection is the ability to ask insightful questions based on what the client is saying (Leadership, Roles, and Problem Solving in Groups, n.d.). I need to improve in this area because sometimes I ask too many questions, overwhelming the client and hindering their ability to process information. I aim to strike a balance between asking relevant questions and allowing clients time to absorb and reflect.

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    Conflict resolution In Chapter 10 (Moore) several coaching skills are listed and defined. Based on the nine detailed in the chapter, discuss which two you would consider to be strong in and which two you plan to work on to master. What obstacles exist?
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    Creative brainstorming is another skill I want to develop further. While I am not bad at generating ideas, I recognize the need to diversify my strategies. Each client is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective. By enhancing my creative brainstorming abilities, I can come up with tailored solutions that best suit each individual’s needs.

    Obstacles that may hinder my progress in these areas include personal biases and a tendency to rush the coaching process. Overcoming biases, such as dogmatic conservatism, will require conscious effort and a commitment to being open-minded (Council, 2019). Additionally, I need to be mindful of allowing adequate time for clients to reflect and respond during sessions, rather than rushing through the process.

    To address these obstacles, I plan to engage in self-reflection, seeking to understand my own biases and actively challenging them. I will also practice active listening and observe my tendencies to ensure I am providing sufficient space for clients to express themselves fully.

    In conclusion, while I consider myself strong in radiating compassion and expressing empathy, I acknowledge the need to improve my skills in perceptive reflection and creative brainstorming. Overcoming personal biases and allowing ample time for client reflection are key obstacles to address. Through self-reflection, active listening, and a commitment to open-mindedness, I aim to enhance my coaching abilities and provide more effective support to clients.


    It’s great to see your self-awareness and willingness to improve as a coach. Radiating compassion and expressing empathy are indeed valuable strengths in coaching, as they create a supportive and trusting environment for clients. Working on perceptive reflection and creative brainstorming will further enhance your coaching skills.

    To overcome the obstacle of biases, it’s important to continue challenging your own preconceptions and being open to different perspectives (Acton, 2022). Actively seeking opportunities to learn about diverse experiences and engaging in self-reflection can help broaden your understanding and reduce biases.

    Allowing enough time for client reflection is crucial for effective coaching. Practicing active listening and being mindful of your tendency to rush the process will help you create space for clients to process their thoughts and emotions fully. Additionally, incorporating techniques like pauses and open-ended questions can encourage deeper reflection and exploration.

    Remember to approach creative brainstorming with an open mind, exploring various possibilities and encouraging clients to think outside the box. Diversifying your strategies and tailoring them to each client’s unique needs will lead to more effective solutions.

    By implementing these strategies and remaining committed to growth, you will continue to develop your coaching skills and provide meaningful support to your clients. Keep up the excellent work in striving for improvement!


    Acton, C. (2022, March 4). Are You Aware of Your Biases? Harvard Business Review. 

    Council, F. C. (2019, January 7). 14 Strategies For Ensuring Personal Biases Don’t Affect Your Business Relationships. Forbes. 

    Leadership, Roles, and Problem Solving in Groups. (n.d.). 

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