The first assignment consists of a literature search and summary on the following topic: Exchange of knowledge is becoming increasingly important to modern organisations. Developments in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Wearable Computers (WC) have a direct impact on the way organisations engage in Information Management (IM) and Knowledge Management (KM) activities.
The first assignment consists of a literature search and summary on the following topic:
Exchange of knowledge is becoming increasingly important to modern organisations. Developments in Virtual Reality
(VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Wearable Computers (WC) have a direct impact on the way organisations engage
in Information Management (IM) and Knowledge Management (KM) activities.
Background information about the topic:
Wearable computer is an electronic device capable of storing and processing data that is incorporated into a
person's clothing or personal accessories.
Virtual reality simulation is the use of 3D objects and environments to create immersive and engaging learning
experiences. They mimic or ‘simulate’ real world activities but within a controlled environment. Simulation games
often play an important role to educate, train or inform while having fun. In certain business situations immersive
visualisation is particularly valuable. One of the most significant benefits of Virtual Reality training is that it can also
develop soft-skills. Virtual reality enables learners to learn and build empathy for others’ situations by seeing
through their eyes. It's a very effective way to have a real sense of being with real people. This sense of really being
there is why VR has been called "the empathy machine."
Closely related to VR, one of the most promising new technologies is augmented reality (AR), which combines the
digital world with the physical one – i.e. augments the real world – by adding graphics and sound to what the user is
experiencing. While still in its early stages, AR is becoming more sophisticated and has great potential in the field of
communication and knowledge construction. In the AR where the virtual and physical worlds coexist, users learn
while communicating with others in the same space. Mobile devices, particularly smartphones, are an ideal platform
for the collaborative AR.
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and training is a method applied to learners for performing common
tasks in small groups in order to learn and/or reach shared goals. Collaboration occurs when learners are involved
with social interactions, which would result in improved learning capabilities.
There are many more examples of the use of VR, AR and WC for KM. Various industries can take advantage of VR,
AR or WC for KM related activities, for example Healthcare, Manufacturing, Sales, Law Enforcement, Real Estate,
Hospitality & Tourism.
What you need to do for assignment 1:
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate the current literature and to identify all the research that has
been done in the area of Knowledge management through the use of VR, AR and WC.
In Assignment 1 you have to do a thorough literature search and summary of papers on the
definitions/descriptions of-, the differences between-, the links between- and the application use (examples)
of VR, AR and WC from an Information and Knowledge Management perspective. You also have to
investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using these technologies for KM. The literature search will
reveal all the possible definitions, links or connections, which will then be analysed, interpreted and reported
as a comprehensive literature review in Assignment 2.
You are required to find literature pertaining to the topic from recent, accredited academic sources such as
high quality journal papers, book chapters, papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings, etc. Select the
(at least ten) most appropriate papers and write a short summary paragraph about each, explaining the main
message of the paper and possible links between the different aspects related to the topic above (total of
1000 +/- 10% words). The paragraphs summarising each paper could consist of a combination of sentences
such as “This paper discusses…. The paper covers the following aspects… The paper suggests that…. The
research found that.… The paper is significant because…” et cetera. These are just suggestions. At the top of
each paragraph you should enter the name of the resource in the format (Brown & Smith, 2009). The
reference list and paragraph headings are not included in the word count.
1. Brown & Smith (2009)
This paper describes the advantages and disadvantages of …. in the …. population. It was found that .… mostly
due to …..
2. Green (2012)
Virtual reality is …. and therefore the authors investigated …. The hypotheses, namely … and … were proven to
be true. It is therefore interesting to note that ….
10. Johnson (2013)
The AR technologies that enable virtual collaboration in social networks are … Important factors influencing
the use of these tools are ….
You also have to add a reference list with links to the full papers. The Harvard referencing system must be
used. The reference list should start with the ten most significant papers that you’ve summarised, but you can
also include other relevant literature to the end of the reference list, as you will probably also be using these in
assignment 2. Please note that only the top ten will be evaluated for this assignment.
You also have to design and draw (by hand or electronically) a neat concept map, illustrating the important
aspects and relationships that have been identified in the ten research papers that you found and selected. A
concept map can be used as a tool for doing a literature review. You can find more information on concept
mapping on the Internet and the course web site.
For assignment 1 you have to submit
i) the summaries and
ii) the concept map. The concept map can be drawn by hand (neatly) and scanned, or by using any
suitable software.
Please note:
It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep a back-up copy of your assignment for contingency purposes.
Using the built-in hard drive as the backup is not recommended. A table of contents is not required.
Submit the paper through Gradebook only. Emailed papers will not be accepted.
SP2 2017
Assignment 2 (1500 words)
Literature review (Individual assignment)
Dear students
I have simplified the required outline of assignment 2 to include only a literature review. The submitted assignment will
therefore have to include the following:
Key words (4 or 5)
Literature review (here you can use the information from assignment 1 and more)
Reference list
The questions will be included as the second part of the assignment. The focus is, however, on the literature review.
Please do some background reading about the purpose and format of literature reviews before finalising the
assignment. The most important factor is that you should analyse, assimilate and integrate the information from
various literature sources. Don't simply write in a 'he said, she said' format, but rather build an integrated 'story' from
the literature, where you compare and contrast viewpoints, etc.
It is important to structure the assignment, i.e. to choose the literature 'topics' you will describe and include properly
worded headings to reflect this.
You can include all the papers you have found for assignment1, but I suggest that you try to find a few more papers to
strengthen the literature review (especially if you can find papers that focus on he application of VR,AR or WC in a
KM-related setting (knowledge sharing, learning, knowledge retention, etc).
Please check your grammar and formatting before submitting the assignment. Bad grammar and spelling, as well as
shoddy formatting (spacing, fonts, etc) will be penalised. The final product has to look like a literature review in an
academic journal (or at least close to th
In this assignment you will write a comprehensive literature review where all the issues about the topic as identified
in Assignment 1 (The use of WC, VR and AR in Knowledge Management) are analysed, interpreted and discussed
(similar to a ‘position paper’). Your task is to structure and critically analyse the literature you found and the issues
you investigated in assignment 1 and produce a
i) properly formatted paper, similar in quality to academic, peer reviewed journal papers that you’ve read.
I.e. these papers have to be free from grammatical errors or spelling mistakes and present a logical,
supported, critical analysis of the issues emerging from theory from broad and recent readings in
literature (similar to a paper published in an academic journal).
ii) set of questions, relating to the issues you identified in the literature review, that you would ask a
business manager (in a middle or senior management position) about the use of WC, VR and AR to
enhance Knowledge Management in their business and whether/how this is done.
In this assignment you will produce a theoretical paper, not a business report. Do not make use of dot points or lists
in the paper. Instead discuss and explain the concepts with supporting evidence from the literature. You can use as
many references as you wish in order to complete this assignment. These may include the ten most relevant
references you’ve found for assignment1 and more. The references should come from a variety of sources, including
texts, journals, conference proceedings, articles, computing/management magazines and the Internet. The Harvard
referencing system must be used for both the reference list and the in-text references (citations).
The set of questions can be added to the end of the paper.
Please note:
It is your responsibility to keep a back-up copy of your assignment for contingency purposes. Using a hard drive as
the backup is not recommended.
Any plagiarism (intentional or unintentional) will be reported to the Academic Integrity Officer, so please ensure that
you are confident with correct referencing, both in the body of the assignment and in the reference list. It is not
sufficient to just add the reference list without citations in the body of the paper. This would be considered as
plagiarism and will be reported. You must acknowledge all material used from other authors (in-text at the time you
use it) and all the way through the paper, as well as including the correct reference in the reference list. Do not use
URL addresses for in-text citations. Please refer to the Harvard reference guide on the web site of the University of
South Australia and your course web site for more information.
Below are some guidelines for the format of this assignment.
Submit the assignment on A4 paper size – (please ensure that it is set to A4 and not letter)
Use either Times New Roman 12 font or Arial 10 font
Use 1.5 line spacing.
Use one line of spacing between paragraphs.
Use normal margins (e.g. 2.54cm)
This paper requires the following sections:
o Abstract
o Key words (4 or 5)
o Literature review (here you can use the information from assignment 1 and more)
o Reference list
A table of contents is not required.
Please use sub-headings to guide the reader through your paper.
Grading of assignment 2:
This paper will be graded in the same way an academic paper is reviewed for publication. Aspects like quality of the
information, logical flow of the argument(s), concise academic writing style, language, grammar, correct and
consistent in-text citations and reference list, will be taken into account.

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