Describe one way in which the first chapters of Educated might connect or relate to some of the ideas in John Webster’s “Learning about Learning” essay. Make sure you use quotations to support the point you are making. Please frame your answer in a paragraph or two and please use correct and consistent citation.


Part 1

Describe one way in which the first chapters of Educated might connect or relate to some of the ideas in John Webster’s “Learning about Learning” essay. Make sure you use quotations to support the point you are making. Please frame your answer in a paragraph or two and please use correct and consistent citation.

    • NOTE: To incorporate a quote, make sure you use a quote sandwich. I’m going to assume most students practiced this in English 101 but as a quick reminder, when you use a quote you should do the following
      • 1) introduce the quote, who and where it is from, and any context the reader will need to understand the quote (assume your reader is familiar with the book or text you’re citing but not as familiar as you)
      • 2) Use the quote, make sure you do not quote more than you need. You will need to explain the quote and long quotes required long explanations.
      • 3) Explain the quote. Tell the reader what to pay attention to in the quote, what is significant about it, and how it relates to the topic you’re discussing, the claim you’re supporting, or the point you’re making.

Part 2

What is one question about learning and/or education that is related to these two text but will expend the conversation about learning and education beyond the book or the essay? First write out the question and then offer a short discussion about what motivates the question. By “motivates” I mean, what about reading the first 4 chapters of Westover’s book and the essay by Webster makes you interested in asking the question?

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Describe one way in which the first chapters of Educated might connect or relate to some of the ideas in John Webster’s “Learning about Learning” essay. Make sure you use quotations to support the point you are making. Please frame your answer in a paragraph or two and please use correct and consistent citation.
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NOTE: This is practice for creating a research question. A research question should be open ended about concepts related to either text and that can be researched, not based on opinion alone.


“Connections between Self-Directed Learning in Educated and John Webster’s Ideas: Exploring Identity and Autonomy in Education”

Part 1

In the first chapters of Tara Westover’s memoir Educated, there are several connections and overlaps with the ideas presented in John Webster’s essay “Learning about Learning.” One notable connection can be observed in the theme of self-directed learning and the transformative power of education. Webster argues that self-directed learning involves “taking responsibility for one’s own learning and for the design of one’s own learning experiences” (Webster, p. 37). This notion is evident in Westover’s narrative as she embarks on a journey of self-education despite growing up in a restrictive and isolated environment. 

One instance where this connection is highlighted is when Westover, having never attended formal schooling, decides to educate herself by studying for the ACT exam. She writes, “I was determined to learn, to build a knowledge of the world that would not depend on the books my father controlled… I taught myself enough algebra and geometry to understand trigonometry, then taught myself trigonometry” (Westover, p. 64). This passage reflects Webster’s idea of self-directed learning, as Westover takes ownership of her education and actively seeks out knowledge to broaden her understanding of the world.

Furthermore, Webster emphasizes the transformative power of education, stating that “learning transforms who we are and how we see ourselves, opening up new possibilities and expanding our horizons” (Webster, p. 41). Westover’s journey in Educated exemplifies this transformative aspect of education. Through her pursuit of knowledge and education, she transcends the limitations imposed by her upbringing and begins to question her family’s beliefs and practices (The Transformative Power of Education | UDaily, n.d.). As she gains exposure to different ideas and perspectives, her worldview evolves, leading to personal growth and emancipation.

Overall, the first chapters of Educated align with Webster’s ideas on self-directed learning and the transformative nature of education. Westover’s story showcases her determination to educate herself and how that process empowers her to challenge the constraints of her upbringing and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Part 2

Research Question: How does the role of formal education in shaping individual identity and autonomy compare to self-directed learning

This question arises from the exploration of the first four chapters of Westover’s Educated and Webster’s essay on learning. Both texts highlight the significance of education in an individual’s life and personal development (“Educated: A Memoir” by Tara Westover | Free Essay Example, 2022). However, the question aims to expand the conversation beyond these specific texts by examining the broader implications of formal education and self-directed learning in shaping one’s identity and autonomy.

The motivation behind this question stems from the recognition that education can occur through different means and contexts. While formal education provides structured learning environments, self-directed learning involves taking charge of one’s education outside of traditional institutions. By investigating the role of formal education versus self-directed learning in shaping individual identity and autonomy, we can gain insights into the diverse pathways of acquiring knowledge and its impact on personal growth. This research question encourages an exploration of the effectiveness, benefits, and potential limitations of both approaches, contributing to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of learning and education in society.


Educated Chapters 3–6 Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes. (n.d.). SparkNotes. 

The transformative power of education | UDaily. (n.d.). 

“Educated: A Memoir” by Tara Westover | Free Essay Example. (2022, August 26).


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