For this module, you will complete the following problems from the textbook: Chapter 12: page 453‐456 – problems 12 and 23. Using QM Excel. Chapter 9 (Read pages 330‐337 only): page 349‐350 problem 39, 40, 41. Using QM Excel Must be used on EXCEL

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Module 6‐ Application Assignment

Application assignments require solving problems from the textbook. Most of the problems require that you use Excel QM. The sample tutorials in the module will direct you on the required software for the application assignments.

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For this module, you will complete the following problems from the textbook: Chapter 12: page 453‐456 – problems 12 and 23. Using QM Excel. Chapter 9 (Read pages 330‐337 only): page 349‐350 problem 39, 40, 41. Using QM Excel Must be used on EXCEL
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The answers must be submitted to the Dropbox in a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel file. You must state your answers within a complete sentence so that your understanding of applying the results of the computations can be observed. You must also submit the original software data files to support your answers and assist in applying partial credit if your answers are not correct. No credit will be given if the software files are not submitted.

For this module, you will complete the following problems from the textbook:

Chapter 12: page 453‐456 – problems 12 and 23. Using QM Excel.

Chapter 9 (Read pages 330‐337 only): page 349‐350 problem 39, 40, 41. Using QM Excel

Must be used on EXCEL


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