Watch the video “Everyday Leadership”. Discussion posts should relate the video to the subject matter provide information, opinions or questions about that subject matter . A substantive initial post should be at 200-250 words. Where its appropriate, please support your assertions with outside sources. A high-quality Discussion posting should be clear, well-written, and free of typos or sentence fragments. One good way to help with spelling and grammar is to write your post(s) in Word, Google Docs, or another word processing app and then run a spelling and grammar check before copying and pasting it into Canvas. All sources must be cited in proper APA format.

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Watch the video “Everyday Leadership”.

Discussion posts should relate the video to the subject matter provide information, opinions or questions about that subject matter . A substantive initial post should be at 200-250 words. Where its appropriate, please support your assertions with outside sources.

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Watch the video “Everyday Leadership”. Discussion posts should relate the video to the subject matter provide information, opinions or questions about that subject matter . A substantive initial post should be at 200-250 words. Where its appropriate, please support your assertions with outside sources. A high-quality Discussion posting should be clear, well-written, and free of typos or sentence fragments. One good way to help with spelling and grammar is to write your post(s) in Word, Google Docs, or another word processing app and then run a spelling and grammar check before copying and pasting it into Canvas. All sources must be cited in proper APA format.
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A high-quality Discussion posting should be clear, well-written, and free of typos or sentence fragments. One good way to help with spelling and grammar is to write your post(s) in Word, Google Docs, or another word processing app and then run a spelling and grammar check before copying and pasting it into Canvas.

All sources must be cited in proper APA format.


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