Write a rhetorical analysis of the two essays focusing on the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos. Consideration of the writer’s tone and voice will be important for thinking about how the writers have build their appeals to ethos and pathos. Make clear how and why the writer(s) has entered the conversation—what is the reason they have written about this problem and to whom are they writing (that is, who is the intended audience)? (So it will be important to keep in mind that the New York Times audience is likely to support civil rights.)

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Write a rhetorical analysis of the two essays focusing on the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos. Consideration of the writer’s tone and voice will be important for thinking about how the writers have build their appeals to ethos and pathos. Make clear how and why the writer(s) has entered the conversation—what is the reason they have written about this problem and to whom are they writing (that is, who is the intended audience)? (So it will be important to keep in mind that the New York Times audience is likely to support civil rights.)

Below I have provided a screenshot of all directions necessary, so please read through it carefully. I also provided Organizational strategies for the paper and how each paragraph should be done!

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Write a rhetorical analysis of the two essays focusing on the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos. Consideration of the writer’s tone and voice will be important for thinking about how the writers have build their appeals to ethos and pathos. Make clear how and why the writer(s) has entered the conversation—what is the reason they have written about this problem and to whom are they writing (that is, who is the intended audience)? (So it will be important to keep in mind that the New York Times audience is likely to support civil rights.)
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