The link is here: On Friday, we will have video conferences, one-on-one, through Zoom. I need for you TODAY to send me a meeting time between 9:00 – 3:00 that works well for you. Also send me a short description of where you are in your writing process (Sources found, sources read, any drafting of the paper yet? what you have questions about…)

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For class today, we need to remind ourselves how to write in-text citations. This is KEY for avoiding plagiarism. The following link is a short overview demonstrating various ways to correctly use citations in your writing. The speaker moves quickly, so you probably will want to pause the video and study the examples before moving on. Therefore, the video is only 3 1/2 minutes, but you should give yourself more time to study the samples.

The link is here:

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The link is here: On Friday, we will have video conferences, one-on-one, through Zoom. I need for you TODAY to send me a meeting time between 9:00 – 3:00 that works well for you. Also send me a short description of where you are in your writing process (Sources found, sources read, any drafting of the paper yet? what you have questions about…)
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On Friday, we will have video conferences, one-on-one, through Zoom. I need for you TODAY to send me a meeting time between 9:00 – 3:00 that works well for you. Also send me a short description of where you are in your writing process (Sources found, sources read, any drafting of the paper yet? what you have questions about…)

We will need complete rough drafts by next Wednesday, Apr. 22, so if you have not started writing, it would be good to get ahead. If you do not have sources, you will need to move more quickly. We will talk more on Friday.

I have outline but I don’t know what I send to my teacher I wanna help and organize sources and ideas

I need organize my article and what I will send tomorrow and what send in the final


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