From the link below, Download Table 10: Education and Present your insights including some basic analytics and at least five different visualisations by using either excel or any other BI tools and write the descriptions on the bottom of each slide for about 30-50 words describing the trends. Make at least 5 data visualizations with descriptions. Attach me the data set, like the data been used and power point presentation.

Table of Contents


Business Analytics presentation on dataset

From the link below, Download Table 10: Education and Present your insights including some basic analytics and at least five different visualisations by using either excel or any other BI tools and write the descriptions on the bottom of each slide for about 30-50 words describing the trends. Make at least 5 data visualizations with descriptions. Attach me the data set, like the data been used and power point presentation.

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From the link below, Download Table 10: Education and Present your insights including some basic analytics and at least five different visualisations by using either excel or any other BI tools and write the descriptions on the bottom of each slide for about 30-50 words describing the trends. Make at least 5 data visualizations with descriptions. Attach me the data set, like the data been used and power point presentation.
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The following should be answered:
1) Demonstrate an in-depth the conceptual and methodological knowledge of analytical
methods and techniques for business analytics

2) Expertly identify and resolve practically relevant business analytics questions and issues

3) Conduct research on a collection of business cases and perform statistical analysis as also
interpret these outcomes to recommend appropriate business directions.


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