During this week, you will begin to estimate the amount of funding you need for this stage of your venture. For this assignment, complete the following: What area(s) do you notice a gap in funding (a shortfall in capital needed to fund future operations or projects)? Really evaluate, even if it’s $1,000 or $10,000; identify it. Evaluate those gaps to determine the cause of those gaps.

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Week 2 Assignment: Financial Needs Analysis (CO2, CO4, CO9, ILO.B.SK.4, AL.2)

During this week, you will begin to estimate the amount of funding you need for this stage of your venture. For this assignment, complete the following:

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During this week, you will begin to estimate the amount of funding you need for this stage of your venture. For this assignment, complete the following: What area(s) do you notice a gap in funding (a shortfall in capital needed to fund future operations or projects)? Really evaluate, even if it’s $1,000 or $10,000; identify it. Evaluate those gaps to determine the cause of those gaps.
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  1. What area(s) do you notice a gap in funding (a shortfall in capital needed to fund future operations or projects)? Really evaluate, even if it’s $1,000 or $10,000; identify it.
  2. Evaluate those gaps to determine the cause of those gaps.
  3. Prioritize your funding needs. You might use the below matrix as a template; include all gaps you have examined:
Priority for Funding Gap in Funding Amount of Gap Cause
1 Initial inventory Unsure Have not fully identified the amount of initial inventory needed. Have not calculated break-even point for sales.
2 Computer system $5,000 Do not have funding to cover this expense.
  1. Submit matrix and a minimum 2 page explanation for your prioritization.
  2. Please review attached assignment rubric

My product is priced at $250 with a profit of $167 per customer. Most dog agility training sets on Amazon are offered at a price more than $100 but they lack the training guide and kit essentials in my product offer. Therefore, using market comparison, the price for my product is right.


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