Chapter 10 (Textbook) Chapter 10 PowerPoint (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Power & Influence (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Elaboration Likelihood Model (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Passive, Aggressive, Assertive Communication (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Six Heuristics of Persuasion (under Content- Chapter 10)

Table of Contents


  • Chapter 10 (Textbook)
    • Chapter 10 PowerPoint (under Content- Chapter 10)
  • Video: Power & Influence (under Content- Chapter 10)
  • Video: Elaboration Likelihood Model (under Content- Chapter 10)
  • Video: Passive, Aggressive, Assertive Communication (under Content- Chapter 10)
  • Video: Six Heuristics of Persuasion (under Content- Chapter 10)

 Discussion Posts:

  • Assertiveness Contexts Posts (10 points)
    Describe your own level of assertiveness using the continuum below, with passive on the far left and aggressive on the far right. Compare and contrast your behavior in various contexts (e.g., home, work, school, social engagements) to answer the three questions below.
    Assertiveness Continuum
    1) Do you see yourself changing your behavior in different contexts? Explain and provide examples.
    2) Do you have a “standard response” in a specific situation? Yes/No and provide your reasons.
    3) In a specific relationship does your communication behaviors seem to change in comparison to other relationships? Yes/No and provide your reasons.

 Quiz:

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Chapter 10 (Textbook) Chapter 10 PowerPoint (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Power & Influence (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Elaboration Likelihood Model (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Passive, Aggressive, Assertive Communication (under Content- Chapter 10) Video: Six Heuristics of Persuasion (under Content- Chapter 10)
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  • Chapter 10 Quiz (15 points)
  • You need to be more specific and label the exact type of noise you are referring to in your initial post. Don’t forget to capitalize all sentences!!!!!

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