Workbook for tonal harmony, edition 8, chapter 9 part A, and number 2 on page 72 here are the requirements for the assignment: Give key. Label all chords with roman numerals and inversion numbers. This is a typical classical broken chord accompaniment so do not analyze each bass clef note, e. g., the first two measures have just 1 chord, the third measure has just 2 chords. There are three six-four chords. Identify their type: passing, cadential, or pedal. Complete exercise 2 at the top of p. 72 following these instructions. Give key. Label all chords with roman numerals and inversion numbers. There are two six-four chords. Identify their type: passing, cadential, or pedal.

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Workbook for tonal harmony, edition 8, chapter 9 part A, and number 2 on page 72 here are the requirements for the assignment:

  • Give key.
    Label all chords with roman numerals and inversion numbers. This is a typical classical broken chord
    accompaniment so do not analyze each bass clef note, e. g., the first two measures have just 1 chord, the third measure has just 2 chords.
    There are three six-four chords. Identify their type: passing, cadential, or pedal.
  • Complete exercise 2 at the top of p. 72 following these instructions.
    Give key.
    Label all chords with roman numerals and inversion numbers.
    There are two six-four chords. Identify their type: passing, cadential, or pedal.

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Workbook for tonal harmony, edition 8, chapter 9 part A, and number 2 on page 72 here are the requirements for the assignment: Give key. Label all chords with roman numerals and inversion numbers. This is a typical classical broken chord accompaniment so do not analyze each bass clef note, e. g., the first two measures have just 1 chord, the third measure has just 2 chords. There are three six-four chords. Identify their type: passing, cadential, or pedal. Complete exercise 2 at the top of p. 72 following these instructions. Give key. Label all chords with roman numerals and inversion numbers. There are two six-four chords. Identify their type: passing, cadential, or pedal.
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